Chapter 12 |I Know Your Secret|

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I wake up to a faint noise. I open my eyes and see Sarah's friend, Peyton, standing in my doorway. He was scanning my room until he saw me looking at him.

"Can I help you" I say in a harsh tone

"Uh sorry I was just looking for the bathroom"

"Obviously this is not it" I snap

He moves along and I get up a shut my door, locking it.

I grab some clothes and jump in the shower ready to start my weekend.

When I was done I sat on my bad and looked through my phone. I had 5 messages, 2 from Rowan, 3 from Hailee and 1 from Bradley.

I checked Rowan's first

Rowboat: Sabby we need to hang! My life is boring.

Rowboat: omg Sabrina, wake up!!!!! Don't you know that I'm bored.

I giggle and quickly reply

Me: okay let's hang out, just me and you. Let's go bowling at 3 :D


Brads: good morning b :) I was sad to see that you had left. It was good talking last night. Did you get home safely?

Me: good morning to you too xx yes I did get home safely, thank you for asking :)


Haiz: I miss you :( ❤

Haiz: we need to talk...

Haiz: I won't be coming back.

My heart dropped as I read the last message.

I immediately called her and after a few rings she answered.

"Hel-" I cut her off

"Hailee oh my gosh what was that message why aren't you coming back"

"Sabrina something bad is happening"

"Is it Ricardo? Has he hurt you"

"No actually... He's saving me"

"What do you mean? What is wrong"

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