Chapter 10 |Dissed|

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"Why are we packing" I say frantically "where are we going"

He continues to pack "look I know that I've done some wrong to you.... A lot of wrong to you Hailee....I'm sorry"

Ricardo? Sorry?

"You can't make me forget about all the horrible things you've done to me by just saying sorry. I have nightmares about what you've done"

"I said I'm sorry" he yells "look you can stay here and argue but I'm leaving"

"But why"

"They're coming Hailee. I want to keep you safe"

"Who's coming"

"The hunters..."


"Sarah" I call out

"Yes my little vamp" she enters my room

I glare at her then smile "can you punch me in the face"

She begins to laugh uncontrollably "w..what"

"My life is boring and I want you to hit me. I want to feel the rush of it"

"Ha no"


"Hit yourself"

I go to hit myself and she stops me "okay I didn't think you were being serious."

I start doing jumping jacks.

"What are you doing"

I continue "I told you I'm bored"

"Well maybe you can invite your friends over. I mean mom and dad are gone but they won't care"

I shrug "why not"


"Are they coming" I yell to Sabrina

"Yeah can you run to the store and get some snacks"

"Sure I'll be back"


Okay what are some good snacks? Chips, everyone loves chips.

I look for the chips and they are on the top shelf, just my luck.

I stand on my tiptoes and reach for them. I scan the aisle for someone tall but I was alone.

After a minutes of struggling a hand reaches up there and gets the chips.

I turn to the person taking the chips "thank you" I smile at the stranger

"No problem, you looked like you were having some problems there" he laughs

I blush from embarrassment "yeah well they should start thinking about the short people in this world"

"Yeah that would be nice of them"

We look at each other, just smiling for a minute then I remember what I'm here for

I giggle "well I better get going, I have to finish getting stuff"

"Well it was nice meeting you...?"


"Sarah" he finishes his sentence "I'm Peyton"

"I hope to see you around"

"Me too" he smirks and walks off

I smile and finish shopping.

When I get to the check out line I see Peyton again.

"Oh hey its been a while since I've seen you" he grins

"For sure. Its been way to long"

"I better get going"

"Yeah" I laugh

Why am I laughing so much? Nothing is funny? I'm such a dork.

He pays for his things and begins to walk off


He stops and turns to me "yeah"

"A few friends are coming over in a bit and maybe you could swing by"

"Sure I don't have anything to do. I'll drip this stuff off at home and come over"

I tell him my address and he leaves.

I just told a complete stranger where I live...I hope he's a trustworthy as I think he is.


"Where is Sabrina" I asked Austin

"I don't know I think I saw her go in the back"

I get up and walk to the back door and look outside. I see her and Peyton sitting and talking.

I notice them leaning in and I turn away.

I really thought she might've liked me back. Guess I was wrong.

Sarah comes in and a boy is trailing behind her

"Hey everybody this is Peyton"

He waves and we all begin to introduce ourselves.

"Oh and I bought snacks"

Robert pops up "snacks you say"


I was talking to Peyton when he started leaning in. I found myself leaning in too.

Before our lips connected, I pulled away.

"I can't"

"What...I thought we had something"

"Peyton it was one kiss"

"I felt something and I know you did too"

"I did..but-"

He sighs "You like Bradley don't you"

"How do you know"

"I'm not stupid"

"I like both of you... Its not easy for me"

I get up and walk back into the room and notice a unfamiliar face.

"Hey Sar who's this"

"Oh Sab this is Peyton"

He smiles and I smile back. He gives off a vibe...and I don't like it.

I shake it off and look for Bradley.

He's talking with Olivia.

"Hey Bradley can we talk"

"I'm actually talking with Olivia right now" he says

"Oh okay" I walk away and sit with everyone else.

What's his problem?


Hey guys sorry this wasn't good. I've had writers block and this is the best thing I could come up with.

If y'all have any ideas hmu.

Go follow me on Instagram @/falcon_Smythe if you want doesn't matter.

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