Chapter 18

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A/N: its a 3 year time jump (as you can tell I like those) everyone is graduated and just living life yah know?

//no ones POV//

He's been missing for three years.

But really, he has been in Hollow Waters for two years now.

He watches them.

The hunters are on the down low ....the vampires think the war is over but it has yet to begin.

He follows her, watches her every move. Not protecting her, but waiting for the perfect time to attack.

He doesn't even know who he is.

What did they do to him? No one could tell you.

She is a lot more powerful than she knows. But over the last two years, he has seen her manage her abilities better.

He has to get rid of her before it's too late.


"ready for this guys" Peyton says "finally time to see who's the fastest"

They ALL line up behind the white line.


After that word they all took off. They ran as fast as they could, the world around them seemed to be just a blur.

After Sabrina's foot crosses the finish line, she stopped looking back. She see everyone else come to a halt.

"AND YOUR WINNER IS COREY" Chris, the newest member of them announces

"Hah losers" He brags

"I'm still stronger" Peyton kisses his biceps

"hey I'm gonna go home, early classes tomorrow" Sabrina says

After they all say their goodbyes, she grabs her stuff and cuts through the woods to get back to her car.

She lives in a small, but nice apartment about 15 minutes from her old house.

Sabrina, Sarah and Peyton Clark live together.

The whole way home a feeling of fear falls over her. The closer she got to home, the stronger the feeling was.

Due to being so on edge, when he phone rang, she had a mini heart attack

"Hello" she answers

"Hey Sab I just wanted to let you know that Peyton and I will be home late"

That made her fear worsen.

"Um okay when will y'all be home"

"I'm not sure, we're going to a party. I'll text you when we are on the way home"

"Okay thanks for telling me. Love yah Sar"

"Love you too Sabby. See you later"

She pulls in the drive way and shuts the car off.


He's in the house. Waiting...for her.

It's time.

He hears the key unlocking the door and he quickly hides.

10 o'clock is when it all will go down.

This has been put off way too long.


Noticing that its almost 10, Sabrina tiredly gets into bed.

She turns off her light and closes her eyes.

The fear still lingers but she tries to ignore it.

What she doesn't know is that her attacker is lurking in the darkness of her own room.

As the clock hits the 10 o'clock hour he creeps into the middle of the room.

His heart softens at the sound of her soft snores ...there is something about her...

He shakes the feeling and stiffens back up.

He figures he'd just attack her....without exactly attacking her.

He stares intensely at her, using his full power.


He tries one more time.

Again, nothing.

He walks over to her and notices the slight glow around her.

'She's using her shield. While sleeping?' He asks himself

Deciding that he will just have to get physical with her, because his powers are useless again her shield.

He quickly grips her shirt and throws her out of the bed, her back hitting the wall.

She is immediately shaken and looks around the room with fear in her eyes.

When they land on him her heart flutters.

"Bradley?" She breathes out

He doesn't answer. How she's know him? He has no idea.

He walks over to her again picking her up and throwing her again.

"I see you put up no fight. This will be easier than I thought" he says in a low voice that made Sabrina ten times more scared

"What are you doing" she cries

She tries to get on her feet put the pain from the impact was unbearable.

He comes over to her, pinning her to the ground.

"Bradley stop" she yells as he wraps his hands around her neck

She tries to fight him off but he is very strong.

He feels no emotion. He knows nothing of her, only know that his job is to destroy her.

She weakly lifts her hands to his cheek, staring him in the eyes "d..don't do ...this" she struggles to say
Something inside him changes as the light fades from her eyes.

He immediately releases the grip he had on her.

"Sabrina?" He says as he realizes the still girl in front of him

Guilt feels his heart.

He shakes her body vigorously "Sabrina! Oh my gosh what did I do?!"

"Sabrina please wake up" he cries picking up the limp body

"Bradley?" He hears a pair of voices

He looks to his left and see's Peyton and Rowan.

With tears falling and voice cracking he manages to say a small sentence, "I don't know what I did"


Okay this might've been confusing but while Bradley was away they pretty but erased his memory of Sabrina.

The only thing he knew was that she was who he was told to "take care of"....destroy.

Well once she touches him and lookes him in the eyes he realizes who she was......but was it too late?

Sorry I didn't update yesterday I was busy .


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