Chapter 2 |Hollow Waters High|

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"Sabrina" I hear a soft voice "Sabrina sweetie wake up"

I sit up and see my mom. I also notice Peyton is gone, which is a good thing.

"Good morning" I tiredly say

"I know its just your second day back but I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to school today"

I think for a second. I don't have anything else to do today "sure"

She looked quite surprised but nodded "get ready then, it starts at 8 but we need to leave early so we can get you registered"

She leaves he room and I look at the clock; 7:00 am

I rummage through my closet and dressers for a decent outfit. "Ugh I need new clothes" I complain

I give up and just grab a T-shirt and sweat pants


After I get ready I slip on my white Chuck Taylor's and head downstairs.

"I'm ready" I say standing my the front door

My mom grabs her purse and keys "let's go"

We pull up into the parking lot and I examine the school.

"You don't have to go back today" my mom says

"I know"

Silence falls over us.

"hey its a good thing I was gone to summer after sophomore year so I don't have to repeat the grade" I joke

She gives me a look then we get out of the car.


"Okay sweetie its nice to have you back" Mrs Miller says handing me my schedule along with a note for being late

"Thank you, its nice to be back" I smile

I turn and hug my mom goodbye

"Are you gonna be okay" she asks

"I'll be fine" I giggle

I leave and begin my hunt for room 607. Spanish class here I come.

"605...606...607 sweet!" I exclaim

I knock and a student opens it. Their eyes widen when they see me...uhh okay.

I walk over to who seems like the teacher. I hand her my note "hi I'm-" wait this is spanish class

"Hola, Soy Sabrina"

She smiles as if she's impressed "hola Sabrina. Soy la señorita Vasquez"

She turns to the class and introduces me "Class this is Sabrina say hello"

"Hola" they say in unison

"Good" she grins "Sabrina you may take an empty seat"

I look around and start to get nervous. All eyes were on me...

I don't know where to sit

"Hey you can sit here" I hear a voice

I look to my far left and see a guy pointing to the seat next to him.

I quickly make my way over there and take my seat.

"Thanks" I whisper

"No problem you seemed pretty lost"

I giggle "well sorta"

He laughs "I'm Bradley"


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