More Update

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Hello everyone, I notice the last chapter got more likes then I expected. The next one is going to be where the fun starts. Anyway before we start I have a few updates.

On the first update is long but it really interesting and it big. When I mean really interesting that there is an audio leak, there were others audio leaks like Batman death, Joker voice, and others that never mention like Freeze and Deathstroke have been leak. Anyway this audio leak is very interesting. It talks about Brainiac who is resurrection the Justice League. In the audio It reveals to be the flash voice say "Why am I back?! Bruce said Waller hate us!" That is a new dialogue we never heard of. And then another voice appears and it some kind of a female ai voice explain Flash recovery. So that means that this isn't the end of the Justice League. Though I'm curious if Wonder Woman will return but it somewhat unlikely unless brainiac got her ashes. As for Batman who also seem to be returning, but will it be the same voice actor? Anyway it seem Miller Ross is correct about the Justice League are returning and coming back for revenge.  Confirming that the Justice League will return. But the biggest question is, will they be playable? Because in the article it mention about they being playable. It didn't say about we going to play as the good or bad side of the Justice League. Also hear the video if you want to hear the audio.

The second update is that I completely forgot about it. But I forgot to mention there is a comic. It called "Suicide Squad Kill Arkham Asylum". So this a prequel comic is about how they got recruited before the game. And Batman is good and acting himself before he got turned. So we going to see a lot of Arkham Villains in the comic.

That is all the updates that I have. I will keep in touch when I know more. But for now that is all I know. I will see you guys in the next chapter.

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