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The scene start revealing to be two imps in a cage. Hanging up in the ceiling. There are some mobs who are minding their own business. One of the important tries to break free while the other just waiting for her to stop because she suck.

Blitz: " Ya know? You're really bad at this." He said.

Fizzarolli: "Hmm... Ya know? Last time I checked I was a FUCKING JESTER, NOT an escape art-"

But she was cut off as she accidentally smash him head at the top of the cage leaving a face. She then fall to the ground defeat and have tears.

Fizzarolli: "(Sniffles) I just wanna go home.." she said sadden.

Blitz: "Hmm... You want me to get you out?" He asked.

Fizzarolli: "Y...y... yes..." she said.

Blitz then stand up and drop the knife from the shoe. Making her in anger.

Fizzarolli: "You had a knife this whole time?!" She asked.

Blitz then got himself free as he grab Fizzarolli and about to use the knife. She closed her eyes. But when she open, she saw he set her free.

Blitz: "Now stop bitching about while I work this." He said.

Now Blitz tries to look for the remote for the cage. After a few seconds he finally spot it.

Blitz: "Ahhh, BINGO!" He said.

Fizzarolli: "So what now genius?" She asked.

Blitz: "See that remote?" He asked.

Fizzarolli: "I mean I could-

But then all of the sudden. It caught the two imps attention as they see something glowing in the distance. Until someone with the jetpack is acting out of control.

Deadshot: "What the Heeeeellll!" He scream.

He then knock out of the stacking cards. Then it made the imp rage as began to shoot everywhere killing the imps. While another imp is trying to do pole.

Imp: "Keep it down! I'm shooting 8 ball ova here." He said as he trying to aim.

Imp 2: "What going on???" He asked.

He then got shot as the forklift began to drive aiming for the imp.

Imp: "SHUT THE FUCK UP! (Notice the forklift) Oh fuck me...." He said.

He then got killed. The two imps watching the scene while Blitz is eating popcorn. Then Deadshot is about to crush to the table where the remote are at. It send the remote flying, then land to the ground as the button push.

Fizzarolli: "Well that was unexp-

But the cage fall to the ground crashing as the smoke appear. As the smoke began to clear up, the two are free. Blitz is swiping his cloths while Fizzarolli is coughing from the smoke.

Fizzarolli: "Show off." She said.

But then they hear a groan as he look at the directions where someone crash.

Deadshot: "(groan) What the hell just happened?" He asked as he rubbing his head.

He then notice the two staring at him.

Deadshot: "Ah shit." He said.

Fizzarolli: "Is that a human?!" He asked.

Blitz: "Could this day get any-"

Deadshot: "Don't you finish that sentence!" He said.

Blitz: "Worse." He finished.

Deadshot: "We're dead." He said.

Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League x Venom x HB/HHWhere stories live. Discover now