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(possible love interest hc; itoshi sae)


—they probably are into cuddling, like way too much.. the kind in which like makoto gets close to him, sae wraps his arms around him while putting his head on makoto's head, softly petting his white hair

—makoto is like "im not attracted to men" and then he fucking folds whenever sae gives him some affection

—sae only gets amused when makoto is trying his fucking best to say "can we cuddle" cuz this bitch is so prideful and he gets embarrassed by that

"..sae, look—" makoto is currently try to spit out the words he wants to say, while sae is looking at him with his teal sharp eyes in amusement. "so? what do you want?" he stares, his expression is cold and blank, his eyes have a hint of amusement.

"..just— uh.." hes starting to get a bit frustrated with himself, too embarrassed to even let out his request, before sae just lets out a sigh. putting his hands in his pockets.. "..you want to fall asleep in my embrace? basically cuddling?" he asks, well.. rhetorical, but makoto just froze up in embarrassment..

"..yeah, that." makoto shook his head, while sae just let out a low chuckle.. to makoto, hes really pretty, hes perfect. wrapping his arms around sae, he leans his head on his shoulder, hiding it; while sae just whispers sweet nothings. 

    playing sports!     

—to be honest, sae probably loves playing football with makoto alot even if he finds it kind of annoying to playing against him, because makoto's an actual threat in competitive football

— "..how irritating." is what sae says coldly, and "..that shit was lukewarm." when he steals the ball from makoto.

— with makoto, makoto only gets usually smug with a cold glance of his blue-ish grey irises, and he pouts whenever sae steals the ball.

using his hyperspeed scissors, sae was able to break past makoto.. he was literally just taunting the forward of real madrid as some sort of exercise. he looks a bit irritated with mako's performance. "are you tired? we're not done yet."

"..hah.. im not— finished yet!" makoto softly laughs, he was sweating quite a bit. he was fucking around after some practice after recovering from his knee suddenly popping out when he was doing some laps. its normal for this to happen for him anyways, wiping his sweat with his jersey.

sae only had slight admiration in his eyes for makoto's dedication, before he turns back to that cold expression. "..whatever, lets continue." he dribbles a bit, makoto decided to try to predict his next move, and do the opposite, which allows makoto an opportunity to steal the ball, as he then shot an extremely long and precise shot into the net

"..." sae stares at makoto for a few seconds, before putting a hand on his head, slightly ruffling his hair. at this point, he might have an addiction to how soft makoto's hair is. "..good work." makoto only scoffed, with a tinge of pinkness on his cheeks.

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