he☆dcannons. 2

325 15 31


rinkana 90% only 10% saemako , this has nothing to do w/ the main story 

sexual implications , but nothing else thats explicitly nsfw

(im not ready to write that yet)




— the weakest immune system of all time history, she does NOT take vitamin C pills or eat fruits w/ an abundance of vitamin C.. she probably gets scolded by makoto, rin, and everyone else about it cuz theyre worried

— compared to rin, who naturally has a strong immune system .. kanade does not appear on his scale of immunity

— "rin, lets play volleyball in the rain!" "you'll fucking get sick." "it's fine!" it was, infact, not fine. because rin was trying not to entertain this idea, but he cant just say no to her. the next day, she was sneezing all over the place.

— needless to say, she had to be bedridden for a few long days. and it doesnt help that her medicine was bitter.

"..ah.. ACHOO!" kanade sneezes out, covering her mouth and nose with her hands. her nose and cheeks with coated with a reddish and pink-ish hues from her sickness. "..so cold.." she mumbles, her voice is a little raspy. 

rin decided to be absent from his football practice just to take care of his girlfriend. he acted like a tsundere about it later on when she got better.  he would frown when he saw her in this condition, but kanade reassures him she's completely fine. (shes not 😹🙏)

holding a bowl of ochazuke with break, his own favorite food for her cold flu. hes good at cooking ochazuke since its; easy to prepare, extremely gentle on the stomach, tasty, and helps with a sickness. (whether homesickness or an actual virus)

rin sets down the bowl with the delicacy on the nightstand. "kana, wear this." rin sighs, handing her his neatly folded and comfortable hoodie. "..mmh.. rin—? t-thanks.." she was shivering, smiling slightly while furrowing her eyebrows. 

she wears the comfortable oversized hoodie, before clinging onto rin. "eat." "feed me." "..." silence was exchanged between the two, before rin sighs. "..fine."



— when it comes to cooking, kanade can make a few decent meals but usually.. she survives on struggle meals even though their is no reason to struggle. her constantly tired ass doesnt want to get up and walk 2 minutes to the kitchen to prepare instant ramen.

— being the good boyfriend rin is, hes obviously irritated as shit , because he scolds her over this topic everyday. "kanade, you cant live off lukewarm instant ramen every single fucking day of the week." "watch me~!" 

— needless to say, lack of nutrients means lack of energy and lack of energy means constantly exhausted. and constantly exhausted means passing out for a few hours.

"..r-rin.." kanade looks at rin with a slightly nervous expression, her hair was tied up in a high ponytail , wearing an apron. the cake batter she was trying to mix wasnt mixing, it was clumping a bit, because she was mixing with a fuckin spoon and not a whisk. "help?" "fucking no. you dont know how to whisk? shitty lukewarm batter." 

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