+bonus rin.

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this is a bonus short kanarin chap

kanarin comfort 


you and me, always forever. <3

with kanade and rin sitting down on the edge of a platform, kanade was quietly providing rin comfort after those cold words of sae's during the match, he got a notification.. rin quietly takes out of his phone, looking down at it,


 "..well? what is it, rin?" she quietly calls out, with no nickname.. knowing it's probably not the best time to joke. "..its an article." kanade quietly looks at him, before inching closer to him. enjoying the comforting , soft silence.. he then closed his phone, looking over at the distance as the wind then breezed through their hair.

"..kanade. in that moment.. i no doubt won against nii-chan.." rin suddenly spoke up after a few minutes. still very silent— "my offence kept up closely with his when i obeyed my instincts." rin spoke, before looking over at kanade. 

"..like how you used to play when you were a child? you told me you have a more instinctive playstyle, then sae helped you change it to a more logical playstyle?" kanade recounted, but rin just grimaced a bit.

"dont let his name come out of your mouth, only mine should." rin spoke, he really does.. 'like' his brother..!!! "nevertheless, i drew out that step of his that hes so good at.. and then stopped him by a hair's breadth." rin continued that thought process of his.

"..kanade, it felt new.. yet nostalgic.." he kept a stoic face, as kanade gazedar him. 'like my veins were dancing...'  rin looks up, he doesnt understand that side of him completely yet. 'it seemed that nii-chan.. knew about that part of me, and yet i didnt. those impulses were destructive and liberating. maybe he.. always wanted to bring out that ego.'  

"..in the end.. he didnt recognize me, but isagi.." he spoke up suddenly again, gaining a surprised kanade. anyone can tell from a glance that in that match, isagi gained everything. rin started to get up, and away from the railings. "..i was one step short of something." kanade also got up quickly, going after rin, almost like a lost and confused cat.

'i must change, i must become something new. so that i can destroy.. both itoshi sae, and isagi.'  despite having clear goals, theyre really hard, which worried kanade. "im sure you will, but please rin.." kanade spoke, walking behind him as he paused and looked over his shoulder and at his (girl)friend.

"..?" rin blinks, his lashes fluttering .. gazing at kanade, "..though you have clear goals, i dont want you to overexert yourself, please." kanade slowly walks forward and towards him, then gently interlocking hands. "dont you think that youre the main cause of isagi's goal?" she whispered.

"kanade, you know better than to ask stupid questions." he grumbled slightly. looking over at the side. kanade is slightly embarrassed , but clinging onto his arm. "of course i am, but the reality is that sae acknowledged isagi, not me." breathing out softly, he has a cold and egoistic glint in his eyes. "i'll just have to beat isagi and sae, and have him acknowledge me.

"take it easy." she then whispers. closing her eyes and clinging onto him, rin cant lie— he feels warm and comfortable with kanade by his side, clinging to him. theyre polar opposites, but the opposites attract troupe almost always applies to them. shes super needy, clingy, and loving. hes apathetic, cold, and isnt that huge on physical affection, but its fine when it comes to kanade.

kanade then had rin turn infront of her, as she then wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. he flinched, but then slowly held her waist, hugging her. 



"..i hate you, but i also enjoy you." rin spoke, looking down at her with a pinkish hue. kanade giggles. "you should live, laugh, and love me."



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