Parting Ways

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My suitcase almost didn't zip up all the way. I had clothes, makeup, swimsuits, brush, toothbrush, shoes, books, and everything else I didn't feel like checking off the list that I knew I had. Summer camp. Ah, the three months I get away from everything. Last year I had made older friends. Now, they were to old to come to this summer camp. They had turned 20 this year. I was only 19. This was my last yea. So I was going to make it good.

I live with my parents while I finish off collage. They say dorms aren't needed because I can just walk to school everyday. I love my parents, of course, but they fight. Not just the occasional fight of what's for dinner. No. They fight over everything. Every time I walk into a room with them they drop their voices. But I know they are fighting. If they're not happy then why still be together? I would love to be at home, have family movie nights, family dinners, but we can't do that. Mom and Dad just fight all the time. It makes me sick.

Summer camp is my escape.
The last four years of summer camp I've been cabin partners with my friend Lindsey. I take that back, she's my best friend. We have so much fun together. But she's a year older. Witch means, she can't come to camp anymore. So this means I have to share a cabin with someone new. The cabins are small. There's a desk and two beds. Then a bathroom. Just for two people. Camp is always packed. I love it. Maybe a new roommate would be fun? Maybe it would turn out as a disaster.

My watch said 10:00am. I had to be at camp my 1:00pm. It takes an hour and 30 minutes to get there, so I better get leaving.

I walked down stairs with my stuffed suit case, my purse, and my laptop. My parents were at it again.

"Um. We should get going." My mother ave a dirty look to my father then turned to me.

"Sure, love! Let's get going!" She tried so hard. But them fighting hurt so bad.

"Goodbye, Carter!"

"Bye dad!"

"I love you."

"I love you too." Then I left.
I rolled my window down and let the cool air rush into the open window of the car. Now it was camp time.

"Bye mom."

"Carter, be a good girl. I don't want you bringing home any boys after this one. I love you."

"I love you too." I said laughing.

She's always thought I would fall in love here. My mom was afraid of me falling in love because of who she had fallen for. She wanted me to fall for someone who would care about me with all of his heart. My worst fear in life is not finding someone who will love me. Not finding true love. I've had boyfriends. I didn't fall in love with any of them.

"Carter Montgomery." I said at the check in table.

"Hello Carter! Your cabin 109. Here's the key. I'm pretty sure you know how to get there?" I nodded.

"Nice to see you again, Molly."

"You too!"
Molly was always a volunteer for this camp. She was 25 and never seemed to age. 25 was the age she told all the campers she was every year. No matter who they were.

As I was walking away I heard an Irish accent. That's different. Usually just British people come here.
"Niall..." His voice trailed off as I walked away.

"Cabin 109." I mumble under my breath. Molly had called me when I was in the car and told me all the cabins had been booked. That I was cabin 109. I always get cabin 109. Lindsey I always got cabin 109. It was special. Molly didn't organize our roommates. So she couldn't tell me who I has for a roommate. She didn't know who. I was just hopping this girl was nice.

I turned the key.

There was a boy sitting on the bed. He looked familiar...

What the hell?

"What the hell is this?" I said.

"Hi. I'm Harry. From One Direction. Are you my roommate...?"

"This is all wrong."

"Yeah. I'm supposed to be with a Carter Montgomery... You must have the wrong cabin love."

"I am Carter Montgomery." They it clicked. The camp had hired I new person to coordinate the roommates. What the hell did this person think I was, a guy!?

Harry looked stocked. He had long curly hair. His voice was deep. He was cute. But I wasn't rooming with a guy. What was he, one of four most famous people in the world doing here? Then it hit me. OH MY GOD HE IS HARRY STYLES. I couldn't let him know I was a fan. I was a huge fan. But nobody knew. Nobody could know I was totally in love with this boy band. He couldn't. I would hide it. Yes, I am a secret Directioner. They are the only thing keeping me from not going insane at my house. I wanted to freak out. But I couldn't. This secret would stay a secret.

Then I realized he was starring at my shoulder. I pulled down my shirt so he could no longer see me scar.

"What's that from?"

"What are you even doing at camp?" I changed the subject a little too quickly.

"The boys and I needed a break from all the city's and hotels. So this summer we came here to stay."

"What about concerts?"

"We did some before here and we start up again the day after camp ends." I nodded.

"Let go talk to the person who did this..." We walked out together. He was tall...

Harry's fanfic started:)). Sorry it's so short but first chapters are usually short. But oh well. Thoughts so far?
-eve, fangirl on, x.

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