Food Fight

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Lately, Harry and I have been going out after dark. We snuck around. To be honest, we would make out, laugh, and have normal conversations. He made me feel happy. That was his mission, and he did a very good job of it.

I guess you could say we were dating. Nobody knew, expect for Kaylee and the other three guys. Lenon would kill me or Harry if he found out.

"Goodnight love." Harry said as I turned out the light.

"Goodnight." I could hear Harry humming a song... Drag Me Down. I smiled to myself. Soon enough, I drifted asleep.

Horns blew, and I was awake.

"Hello Carter." Harry was standing at the sink, putting his hair into a bun.



"It's too fucking early." I moaned.

"I agree. But, it feels ok to wake up to you." He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. Harry Styles and I are in a goddamn relationship. Who would of guess? Not me... Did Harry like me this whole time? We met a month ago and fell for me just as I fell for him five years ago.

"Yeah. Isn't always nice to wake up to stinky, messy haired, Carter!?" I cheered in sarcasm.

"Yes. It is." Harry have me another kiss on the cheek and left so I could go to the bathroom. It was nice that Harry just liked me for who I was. He didn't try and change me, he didn't even care how I looked when I woke up in the morning. That, was a good boyfriend. We hadn't even officially said we were boyfriend and girlfriend... It kind just happened after the kiss. We were just kind of, together, you know?

Once I was do in the bathroom, I pulled Harry into a corner where no one could see us... Where Lenon could see us... I was planning on one kiss, but we ended up making out... Oops.

"Ok. See you after horseback riding." I said to Harry.

"I hate that we have to do this."

"Well, so do I. But I would do anything to protect someone I lo-... Need in my life." I knew I was in love with Harry. I have been since they formed as a band. But now, he made the love real. He smiled at me. He'd caught me. But, he didn't say it back... This hurt a little... Ok, is hurt a lot. But, it has only been three weeks we've been together. He can take his time to say the three little words. Right now, he was just looking into my eyes.

"Well, we better get going. Don't want Ms. Bitch to make us go up to the abandoned cabin for being late." Harry giggled.

"You leave first." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I gave him a quick peck on the lips and ran out the door. I loved to horse back ride, but it would be more fun if I had my boyfriend beside me.


Harry and I took the lead as we walked down the little path that led to the cave where inside, was the secret lake. Once we stepped through the vines, everyone gasped.

"Woah..." Kaylee was the first to speak. 

"Wow." Liam elbowed Louis, making Louis fall into Kaylee.

"Ew, don't touch me."

"Come on guys. It's been almost two months. Face your feelings!" I yelled back to them. They looked red in the face. Harry and I giggled. 

After we had swim for a bit, we sat down. Niall had brought cookies. Louis and Kaylee sat next to each other. We were all chatting, Harry and I were in deep conversation, Liam and Niall were laughing and telling jokes to each other, and Kaylee and Louis were talking. All you could hear was a bunch of mixed up words and laughing. Then a few voices stopped. We noticed right away because Kaylee and Louis had stopped talking, they were the loudest two. They had stopped to kiss. My mouth dropped. I think all of our months dropped. Louis and Kaylee were actually kissing. After about thirty seconds, Kaylee pulled away.

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