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I was silent as I stood at our meeting place. I was the first one here.

Someone grabbed me from behind. My feet came off of the ground. I screamed.

"Woah! Calm down!" It was Kaylee.

"Wait, why the hell were you crying?" Kaylee was overprotective of me. For about a year, she didn't see me. She told me she hide in her room the whole time. K was scared for me. That year, was the year after it all happened. I was admitted to a mental hospital. Yes, I went insane after my sister died. Every watch Pretty Little Liars? It was like Radly, but worse. There was no games. No friends were allowed to visit. People asked where I was that year. My parents lied. They don't want people to know that I was once shut down because my sister had died. They tell people I was away with our aunt in Iceland, taking a break. When I was really in a mental hospital taking medicine and getting help. After that year, I was almost myself again. The only peace missing was my sister. But somehow, I deal with it now.

"I told Amanda about that night..."


"She deserves to know. Maggie was her best friend."

"Alright, who's this Maggie? Everyone gets quiet when they speak of her." I turned to see Harry speaking. The others were there as well.

"How long were you standing there?" Kaylee asked. She stepped in front of me. Getting protective again... 

"Just to hear the last part... Whats going on?" Louis asked. Kaylee and Louis seemed to have a spark. I wouldn't let myself ruin this them.

"Maggie, she was... a... um..." K wouldn't tell them the truth. Frankly, I don't want to either, but it has to be a pretty good lie. Oh, I hate lying to these guys. 

"Maggie was this a camper here." I blurted out. Well, it wasn't a complete lie, I was just leaving some details out.

"That doesn't explain anything." Liam says.

"She... Um, said she was going to come here for the rest of her life and she just stopped coming. People don't know why. Everyone misses her. I miss her..." I trailed off on my not-completey-a-lie-lie. The boys gave Kaylee and me weird looks. They seemed like they believed it, but I wasn't interlay sure. 

"Alright then... Lets just go on this hike now." Niall said and gave his little signature laugh. I smiled. Kaylee gave me a weird look too. She's starting to figure out that I actually like them. I have to do something to stop that. 

I did something drastic. I thought I would never do this. But, Kaylee had been grilling me with questions about One Direction. I almost answered a few, ok more than a few, right. Then, in the spur of the moment, I tripped Harry.

"Yeah! Eat that dirt." The boys gave me looks, I didn't blame them. Harry had just fallen on this face, probably some dirt in his mouth... I felt bad. There was a little spot that Maggie and I would sneak off to and escape all the campers... It was close by, I could just see the opening. I had to get out of here. I spirited out to the spot. I don't think any one saw... I was wrong.

Harry caught up with me and told everyone else to stay behind. I looked over the ledge of our spot... It was quiet, peaceful. You could see a small river just below the cliff we were on. A old log had fallen near the edge. Maggie would sit on the right, myself on the left. 

"You think you're so smart, don't you?" Harry said. I turned around too quickly and stumbled near the edge. Harry ran to me and grabbed me, then pulled me to the log. We sat. 

"You think nobody has you figured out... Don't you? Honestly, I surprised Liam hasn't figured it out... That I have first. I tensed up, but didn't say a word. Who knows what he knows? Maybe he has the wrong information? 

"You act like the hater. You actually like us. You like us. You like how we act, you like how we look, you might even like our music... I mean-"

"Harry, you four are my hero's." I can not believe I just said that. In front of the Harry Styles, I said that! What have I done. I stood up. I had to leave.

"No. You aren't getting out of this one so easily." He sat me back down.

"Why? How did you know tell us? Who really is Maggie?" He knew I had lied. Maybe the boys knew I lied too... I hope not...

"My sister." I said quietly.

"Your sister. You could have just said that straight out!"

"Let me rephrase that, my dead sister." Harry was speechless. His eyes got wide. His mouth was huge open, trying to get words to come out, but nothing would. 

"Carter... I'm so sorry..." He finally got words out of his mouth.

"Are you ok?"

"You know what? Its been years since she died, and every time I hear the name, it brings tears to my eyes. Everyone has been asking me that five years. IT HAD BEEN FIVE YEARS. I am not ok. I've never been ok, and I probably never will be! Alright? Just... leave me alone. No one really cares about me expect for Kaylee. So you don't have to pretend to care, because I know you don't." This time he might actually let me walk away. 

I was almost to the opening when Harry spun me around. He gave me a huge hug. Then picked me up and brought me back to the log. 

"Your right." He said.

"About what?"

"You might not be ok. But I want to change that." I, I as in Harry fucking Styles wants to change that. 

"And, of course I care that someone died, but I don't care enough, yet. I care a little. But I want to care more. Carter, let me get to know you." I just sat there. Harry wanted to know me. Know my story. But was I ready yet? Maybe I should tell him, maybe I shouldn't. 

"Alright." I gave a small smile. 

"We share a cabin, get to know me at nine." I got up and started walking away. My ponytail bounced as I had a little skip in my step. Harry wanted to know me, for who I was.


Hey loves! Thoughts? Sorry it was so short. I wanted to make a chapter of the hike and what goes down in their cabin... Next one will be longer. Speaking of stuff going down... The fandom is going crazy, including me. I want to sit in my room and cry because I need to know the truth. And other things... But I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! Is fucking Zayn coming back? Tbh I don't really want him too. Louis need to explain some shit. I think its just a rumor. I don't know yet, tho. I love you all. 

-eve fangirl on, x


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