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I was at the top of my class. Well, it's only been two months, but I was. I studied for hours, did all my homework. I mean, what else did I have better to do? Let me answer that, nothing. Kaylee would try and drag me out of the house but nothing worked. She might of got me out maybe once for dinner, but that was about it.

It was a rainy Saturday morning so I turned on the telly. Nothing really good was on. I flipped on some talk show they do in the morning. I automatically froze. The four guys I have once been such good friends with stood standing on a small stage getting ready to sing. I hadn't talked to one of them in forever...

"I'd like to dedicate this to my... Friend. I haven't seen her in a while. I'm waiting for the right time to see her. God, I hope it's soon. She'll probably never know this but... She is the love of my life, not just something for the summer. This is Home." I gasped. I might be crazy but I think Harry just dedicated they're new song to me. I hadn't eve heard it before. I listened.

"And it's all right, calling for somebody to hold tonight. When you're lost I'll find a way and be I'll be you're light. You'll never feel like you're alone, I'll make this feel like home." I knew in that moment why Harry put this song out there for me. Because this is exactly what he told me at camp, but just in slightly different words... He still loves me... I didn't know what to do. I sat in my bed with my hand to my face in astonishment.

My phone beeped the same time the music had stopped.

He's not obeying.

The text read. It was the same number that had told me a good job at the party two months ago... This is weird. I blocked the number. They must have the wrong number.

On the television the four boys say down.

"So Harry, who's this girl?"

"I've already said to much." He was being to serious. Louis gave him a little kick. After the kick Harry smiled to lighten it up. But it was true, he shouldn't of even dedicated it to me. Lenon could be watching... Shit.

You can't avoid me.

The number I had just blocked a few moments ago have gotten through again. What the actual fuck?

You: I'm sorry! You must have the wrong number:)

Well, got rid of that problem.

Them: Of course I don't! I know what I'm doing love.


You: No, really! I'm not who you think I am. You're friend must of give you the wrong number. Sorry:)

Them: Naïve little Carter. I thought you were better than this! Smarter, than this. I'm disappointed!

It, they, them, knew my name. So it really wasn't the wrong number... This is weird. Kaylee! It had to be. This wasn't funny.

"Kayl-" I walked into her part of the room to find her asleep. I looked for her phone. So even if she was fake sleeping, where was her phone? Probably under her or something. I went back to my bed. What the fuck is going on? Went to grab the remote from the side of the telly, as the boys had left the show.

I let out a loud gasp as I saw what was next to the remote... Kaylee's phone. Now it was coming back to me. She had let it charging here over night. Then... It wasn't Kaylee's trick.

You: Who is this?

Them: Wow. This is sad.

You: Tell me! This isn't funny anymore!

Them: It was never met to be funny.

You: What the hell are you talking about?

Them: Once five, now four. If this boy keeps up what he's doing there soon will be three.

You: What the fuck?!
**read 10:32am**

Soon after I put all the pieces. "Once five, now four." One Direction were once five, under Zayn left. "If this boy", Harry. "Keeps up what he's doing", giving me little signs, wanting to see me again. "There will soon be three", Harry gone. I was shaking. I was crying. I was having a panic attack. I clenched my hands around the sheets of my bed in my small dorm room, in a small city. I could barely breath.

Lenon was going to kill Harry if Harry didn't stop.


Sorry it's so short. I'm on my way to soccer and decided I wanted two different chapters for more drama ya know?

Cliff hanger;)

Ily all!


-eve fangirl on, x

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