Last Day

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Last days can be great. Or they can be the worst days or your life. Goodbyes can be easy, goodbyes can be hard. I honestly didn't know what today was going to be. Harry and I haven't spoken. Well, he tried. I didn't do anything. He tried to tell me he still loved me but I couldn't take it. I ran. I stayed in Kaylee's cabin for over half of the month just hiding from Harry. The other boys even tried coming to see me, delivering messages from Harry... I never replied. I'm stupid. I know I am. But I know what Lenon is capable of. So yes, I'm still truly, madly, deeply, in love with Harry Edward Styles, but it won't work out. Millions of other girls were too. I'd get over it sometime... Wouldn't I?

I sat on the bed just starring off into space.

"Hey! Carter! Let's go!" Kaylee knocked me out of my trance.

"Right, sorry." Kaylee babied me. She wouldn't let me out of her sight. She was on the look out for both Lenon and Harry but also to keep me as happy as I could get. Of course we still had fun time... But whenever I did something it would remind me of Harry or One Direction and I got depressed again.


Kaylee was driving us straight to the collage campus. I couldn't wait to start school so it would take my mind off of things. It would actually help, a lot maybe.

"Ready?" Kaylee asked as she shut the trunk of her van. I was starring at someone... Harry. He was speaking so intently with Liam. I could just watch him talk and not even need to hear anything.

"Go say goodbye." I turned to Kaylee because what she said was odd.

"Huh? I'm staying away from him so he doesn't get hurt and neither do you... Or myself."

"I know. One little goodbye couldn't hurt, would it?" I sighed because she was right. Lenon was probably already gone... But did I really have the guts to say goodbye to Harry?

Then something came over me... I started walking in one direction... Straight towards Harry. I felt like everyone was watching me when only Kaylee was. I could see Liam's mouth stop moving his mouth as he saw me coming. Harry turned to see me. He looked hurt. He looked sad. This is the part that stinks...

I throw myself into his arms.

"What are you doing?!?" Harry asked with a worried whisper into my ear.

"Lenon left. But we still can't see each other. He's still out there. He knows where I am, just give it time." Harry held me tighter.

"I promise you there will be a next time. I love you." Harry's voice in my ear gives me goosebumps along my arms and legs.

"I love you too." I pulled away just far enough to see his face. I wanted to kiss him and stay in his arms forever. But I could no longer do this. Harry was now just as simple as a friend along with the rest of his band mates. This place was all just a summer camp. I've never really realized how much I did hate this place until now... Once Maggie died, why did I even come back? Sure, we had some great times, but I really did hate it. After camp I would always get depressed and I never stopped to think why... Well, now I know. I am forever leaving this camp.

I pulled away from Harry and waved goodbye to Louis, Liam, and Niall and ran. I ran as fast as I could to Kaylee's car. We needed to leave now. I needed a new sene. I needed to leave Harry and hope he would come back. I have the worst fear that he would go on being famous and forget about the small town girl named Carter who just happened to have a big story, who fell in love with Harry Styles just like any other girl but was just lucky enough that he actually fell in love with her too.


Collage kids walk with their friends down the street. I actually smile at the sight. It might actually be ok here.


Kaylee and I were sharing a dorm which would probably be the best ever.

"Can we grab something to eat? I'm so hungry!" I actually sounded cheery without trying.

"Alright! There's Carter! Let's eat man!"


We had already gotten invited to about two or three parties. Tonight was one and Kaylee was pushing me to go. We didn't officially start school for another three days... Why not?


I didn't even try to look nice. I put on a pair of jeans and a tee. Sure, it would be their first impression of me, but why does it really matter?

The house was booming with music. I held Kaylee's arm because I didn't want to get separated from her.

"Hey ladies! Wanna dance?" Two guys came over to us.

"Sure!" Kaylee took the taller one, of course. I'm honestly surprised she's dating Louis because of his height. Just kidding, but she did say she liked taller guys.

"So what's your name?"

"Carter. You?"

"Rece!" He was so... Cheery. Are collage kids supposed to be like this or was it just because he was drinking?

"Carter... Isn't that a dudes name?"

"Could be either." I giggle. Why was I giggling, nothing's funny.

"That's sweet..." Rece paused.

"What's that on your wrist?" He saw my H.

"Nothing." I said casually and danced with my left arm more to my side. I didn't need to be spilling my guts to a guy I had just met five minutes ago.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

Very good. I'm proud honey. Keep doing what you're doing.

The text read. I decided to ignore it since it was from a number I didn't know. The person probably had the wrong number or something, nothing big.


I'm so so so so so sorry about how long it took me to update! Finally right!? I'll probably be finished most of my fanfics soon:)


Ily all.

-eve fangirl on, x

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