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after about an hour of sweeping the floor and boarding up most of the smashed windows, hopper had gone to bed and margo was eating an apple at the table by herself

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after about an hour of sweeping the floor and boarding up most of the smashed windows, hopper had gone to bed and margo was eating an apple at the table by herself. as she finished it she walked over to the trash can, luckily she had changed it this morning so it was clean when hopper threw the box of eggos in.

she pulled out the box and putting it back in the fridge. she threw away her apple core and stepped over to her bedroom door. she looked from the handle and then to el's door. she sighed and travelled over, she knocked on the door lightly.

"hey el, its me. are you awake? can i come in?" she spoke in a soft whisper. the door suddenly opened and she smiled. "hey, you okay?"

el sat on her bed looking through a magazine that margo had given to her. margo shut the door carefully behind her and sat on the end of the bed.

"he didn't mean to shout, he was just worried about you thats all. he's not the bravest when it comes to emotions." margo laughed. el's lips upturned the slightest. "the first time i ever saw him cry was when he told me my other sister passed, and i was 10. and i haven't seen him cry since. he really does want to keep you safe and so do i elly."

margo brought el into a tight hug. el gladly accepted, melting into the older girls arms. margo stroked her her softly. "please don't run away like that again. if you wanna sneak out just ask me ill teach you when you're older." they both laughed.

they let go of each other and margo stood up, but was pulled back to sit down as el grabbed her arm. "please stay here?"

margo smiled. "okay." she took off her leather jacket hanging it on the end of the bed. she grimaced internally realising she'd have to sleep in jeans but she couldn't say no to el and she was too tired to go change.

el slipped into bed and margo followed lying next to her. "night elly." margo said as she turned off el's bedside lamp.

"night mar."

hopper knocked on margo's door and when he received no reply he walked over to el's door doing the same. he received no reply again so he slowly opened the bedroom door. he smiled slightly as he saw the two girls fast asleep in el's bed.

"hey kids, you gotta wake up." he said and walked away. margo groaned and sat up, trying not to wake el. she picked up her jacket and walked back to her bedroom.

she shut her door and rubbed her eyes. thankfully somehow, when all the windows broke last night hers was the only one left untouched.

she grabbed a new top, which was just a plain black tank top. she didn't bother to find a new pair of pants cause all she had to do was change her underwear. 'work smarter not harder' she believed.

once she was changed she did the usual, putting makeup on, putting the books she needed in her bag and grabbing her skateboard.

she opened her door again listening to her dad talk to el through the door as she slipped on her shoes. she watched as he fiddled with sarah's hairband on his wrist.

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