Chap 1:Early mornings

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English: regular

You stir awake in bed as the morning sun peeks into your window. You groan out loud before you lift up rubbing your eyes. After you rubbed the sleepiness from your eyes you turn your alarm off. You get out of bed and walk to your closet choosing something comfy to wear before walking to the bathroom to get your morning started. Few moments you come back from the bathroom ready to change into the clothes you picked out.

Your fit:

Minus backpack & ear rings

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Minus backpack & ear rings


fter you changed into your outfit you grab your phone and car keys before calling your closest friend."Hey amiya" you say with a shit eating grin on your face. Amiya groans "Bruh you had to wake me up huh?" She says annoyed as you hear shifting from the other end of the phone.

You playfully gasp offendedly "What you don't want me to call you?" You ask as you get into your car, turn it on, and let it warm up. "Shut up thats not what I meant" she says sighing. "Yea yea yea.we still busking?" you ask while closing your car door and you begin to leave your drive way.

"Yea. Can you pick up some coffee on the way to our spot?" She asks as you hear more shuffling from the other end of the phone. "Yea. I better not be the first person at the spot" you say as you look both ways before taking a turn.

15 minutes later
Your point of view.

I set up the speaker and microphone before I get a tap on my shoulder so I turn around to see hyewon my other friend smiling up at me as she holds her arms up to me. I grin before wrapping my arms around her body."Happy birthday!" She says with a huge grin on her face before pulling away from the hug.

"Hey I didn't even hear you walk up" I say as I bend down to grab her coffee before handing it to her. "Thank you" hyewon says as she takes a sip. "Who's busking or whats the busking order?" I ask her as I look over at her. She takes a moment before she puts her coffee down. "Uh I think we're going youngest to oldest" she says while nodding

"Ight I was just asking cause amiya was grumpy when I called her" I say with grin before looking at the people that begin to form a circle around us as some people sit down on the steps


I shift as I stand up i pull my hood off my head and I fix my curls

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I shift as I stand up i pull my hood off my head and I fix my curls."You can get the crowd situated im going to call Rèn" I whisper to hyewon before walking away from our busking spot. "Yoo Rèn where you at?" I ask her as I hear shuffling.

"Oh shit!" Rèn says before I hear more shuffling and shifting."I'll be there in a bit" Rèn says before hanging up. I shake my head before walking back to where hyewon is at. "Rèn slept in but she on her way" I say to hyewon with a smile.

"Rèn can never wake up on time" Hyewon says with a smirk.

We hear the crowd gasp and see some cover their mouths while looking in a certain direction....

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