Chap 3:Guilty & Gento

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English: regular

5 minutes have passed since amiya's dance ended and they are taking a break as I try to memorize the choreography for the song I chose since my turn is coming up soon. The toddler  stands infront of her mom as she glances at me and my members from time to time.

Rèn grins as she pulls me closer to her "Dance Eve by EXO with me" she whispers in my ear with smirk. I grin before shaking my head. She smacks her lips,"Come on y/n this is our way to tease the crowd" she whispers again while tapping my arm.

I sigh before giving in. Hyewon looks over at us as she notices us whispering to each other. "Yah you troublemakers what are you up to?" She says into the mic while playfully pointing at us. Some people grin as we look like 2 troublesome kids planning a way to steal a cookie(Y/n would probably do that ngl).

I shake my head as i giggle, I walk to the middle of the circle with Rèn as she stands beside me and looks over at me with a smirk before I smirk back. "We're ready!" I say to hyewon as I get into position.

The music blasts from the speakers and the crowd begins to grin realizing what song this was. I stare into the crowd with half lidded eyes as I dance to the music sexily.

The crowds burst into screams and cheers as we grind up into the air. A light smirk rests on my face as I continue to dance to the song.

Time skip--->

The music stops as it comes to an end. I smile as I turn around to see amiya covering the kids eyes as hyewon stands covering her mouth with wide eyes. I grin as I look down at the ground as hyewon stares at me and Rèn.

"Uh....Did you guys like their performance?"Hyewon says into the mic but before she could add on to what she was saying the crowd screams and yells 'yes'. I giggle as I look over at Rèn who does nothing but nod her head with a smile plastered on her face.

"Well last but certainly not least we have.... the birthday girl dancing up next to the songs Fiction and BTBT" she says with a nod. I nod before walking back in the circle waiting for the song to start.

I dance with a laid back expression as I mouth the lyrics with concentration. I smile as I move smoothly to the music before I switch out with Rèn to dance her half of the song.

Time skip------->

I take a sip of my water bottle before I take my hoodie off and I place it in the basket with our other things in it. I then breath in before getting into position for the next song as I look down at my feet.

The crowd gasps as my toned abdomen shows as I bring my hand all the way through my shirt.The crowd begins to cheer louder as I continue to dance. The song then ends as I do a final pose before breaking character with a grin."I love you!" Someone screams in the crowd as I bend over laughing as the crowd continues to clap before slowly quieting down.

After the performance

"Thank you everyone for liking my dance" I say softly as I ruffle my hair before taking a sip of the warm coffee. Amiya takes the microphone from me before speaking to the audience about K-pop groups and what song they would like us to cover for them

I look down at the adorable little girl, Nayeon who plays with my fingers as she rest her little head on my shoulder. "Why do you like me princess?" I ask her softly as she glances up at me with her adorable doe eyes

"You are really tall and you look really pretty" Nayeon says to me in a soft calm voice. "You are also really comfy and warm" She adds on with a cute giggle. "Wahh you are so adorable did you know that?" I say as I grin down at her chuckling.

She giggles once more as she nuzzles her little head in my neck shyly. "Omoo!! You make me want to put you in my pocket" I say playfully as she laughs. "I won't fit in your pocket silly" She says laughing harder as her little cheeks turn red

"Ok what song recommendations do you guys have for us?" Hyewon asks and many people talk at once while raising their hand. "What would you like?" Hyewon asks pointing at a young girl who looked like a high-schooler . "Could you guys do the 'Gento' dance challenge?" She asks shyly as she covers her face turning red.

"Ne of course. Y/n wanna be in the center?" Hyewon asks breaking me and Nayeon out of our own little world. "Eh? What?" I ask giggling softly as I cover my face for a second embarrassed. "Yahh Nayeon-nie your taking our Y/n from us" Amiya says playfully as Rèn laughs while ruffling my hair.

As the little girl Nayeon, giggles at what amiya said to her she wraps around my neck and learn more into me. "Y/n is mine now" She says giggling and I laugh while rubbing her little head as Amiya playfully Gasps offendedly. "Omo! Did everyone hear that we just got robbed by a toddler!" Amiay says as she playfully turns to the crowd who laughs

Nayeon, giggles and climbs into my lap. Her hands wrapped around my neck as she leans into my warmth. Her small head resting on my chest as her little legs dangle off my knees.

"Oh! It appears this little princess has come to steal our hearts in the name of being adorable and cute!" Amiya says in a playful tone as she speaks into the microphone in her hand looking down at the toddler.

"Oh! Well it appears to have worked already! She has already stolen mine!" I laugh as I pick up the little toddler in my lap.

"Ok really Nayeon-nie can we borrow Y/n for a second please?" Amiya playfully begs Nayeon who giggles while shaking her head. "Wahh don't worry Y/n is all yours but she has to do her job" Amiya explains playfully.

"Hmm I guess you can have her" Nayeon says a she thought about it for a moment. I place Nayeon on the ground as she looks up at me as I walk to the middle of the busking circle with Rèn and Hyewon.

Rèn center, Y/n right side, and hyewon left side (0:50-1:13)

---------------> next chap 4

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