Chap 4:Princess has stolen Y/n

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After the short dance challenge ends Rèn, hyewon, and I get a huge round of applause and we bow in respect before standing behind the speaker. I let a deep breath go and Nayeon wraps her small arms around my leg as she looks up at me. I grin before bending down to pick her up

"Did you like it princess?" I ask her softly and she nods while smiling. She wraps her small limbs around my body as she nudges her head in my neck. Her breathing deepens as she closes her doe eyes slowly.

I quietly gasp before looking over at Rèn who meets my eyes the second I see her. "Help me, she is falling alseep" I mouth to Rèn and she just walks over to me and leans to me. "Nayeon-nie is falling asleep. Her mom is behind me with the long brown hair and black mask tap her for me" I whisper to rèn keeping my movements limited.

Rèn nods before walking behind me and speaking softly to Nayeon's mom. "Uh anoyeonghaso I believe your daughter is the one clingy to my friend and that's totally not a problem its just she is falling asleep" Nayeon's mom nods before covering her face embarrassedly. "I'm so sorry would you like me to get her"she asks quietly. "I'm Lee soeun by the way" she adds on before she goes to reach for Nayeon.

"Um I'm sure Y/n would love to keep holding the adorable baby in her arms but she can't sadly, so uh please" Rèn says as she steps away from me so, So eun can grab her. I glance at Rèn with a pointed look not wanting to let the adorable little girl go. Soeun grabs Nayeon carefully and lifts her up until Nayeon mumbles something as she tightens her grip around me.

My heart melts as I look down at her. She snuggles her head more into my neck as she breathes in deeply before closing her eyes back. Rèn glances at me before tapping Hyewon. "We have a problem" Rèn whispers and Hyewon looks at me and I point at Nayeon and she smiles softly before shaking her head. "Oh no everyone Y/n has a clingy koala stuck to her" Hyewon whispers in the mic softly giggling.

I smile before wrapping my hands on either side of Nayeon and slowly pulling her up. "Nayeon..princess you're going home to get sleep baby wake up" I say to her softly as I rub her back as she whines. She rubs her eyes pulling her head out of my neck before she looks at me as I hold her up.

She pouts as she wipes her eyes. "I don't wanna go mom" she says as her eyes get watery and she nuzzles her head in my neck and I rub her back comforting her. "Princess don't cry because you'll make me cry and you don't want me to cry do you?" I ask her softly and she shakes her head as she rubs her eyes while sniffles. Soeun goes to reach for her again and she shakes her head as she clings to me tighter.

"It's ok princess ill give your mom my number so you can call me anytime ok?" I say to her softly as I peck her forehead and she nods while pouting slightly as she lets her mom grab her from my arms. I reluctantly let go and she waves softly as I wave back while Soeun gives me her phone. I type my number in her phone and I put the name under 'Nayeon's unnie🤗💖' .

Soeun waves and smiles as they begin to walk away. I sigh softly as I ruffle my hair before turning my attention back to my crew. "Aww look at Y/n she has a little fan waiting for her" Rèn teases while mockingly pouting. I scoff before pushing the side of her head as I walk past her to stand behind amiya. I wrap my arms around her waist giving her a backhug as I rest my head on top of hers.

Hyewon turns around and stops talking as she hands me the mic as she bend down and takes a sip of her coffee. "Everyone would you want me to do mommae or Bambi?" I ask them as I scroll on my phone while I remove my arms from around amiya.

There is loud banter about which song i should cover. "Everyone raise your hand if you want me to dance to mommae" I tell them and a few people raise their hand. I nod before pointing at an middle-aged man.

"Would you like to play rock paper scissors against someone else?" I ask him and he nods grinning as he stands up. "Ok everyone raise your hand if you want Bambi" I say once more and the same amount of people want Bambi. I look over the crowd and I grin before pointing to a young man.

"You both will play best out of 3, start!" I say as they both look at each other before they start playing.


Young man: 🤜
Middle-aged man:📃

There are loud cheers as the older man wins the first round. "Alright next round!" I say enthusiastically


Young man:✂️
Middle-aged man:🤜

"Ok Mommae it is everyone. Thank you both for playing" I say grinning before putting the mic down and walking infront of the speaker inside the circle. I take a deep breath as I begin to focus and my expression changes as the music begins to play.

(Video called Hyojin busking mommae)

I grin as I express the music with my expression and hand movements. I mouth the lyrics as I interact with some of the people in the crowd. I smirk as I walk up to a beautiful girl. I point to her as the lyrics play through. I lean forward slightly grabbing her glasses and putting them on my face as I dance to the rhythm of the music with swag and confidence.

next chap‐‐‐‐‐‐‐>

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