Chap 5:Strange envelope??

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English: regular

Time skip(im onto sum hold on)

"Annyeong everyone we are BEMN and we hope you enjoyed our performances" we all say in unison

time skip

After me and my group BEMN finished busking we all begin to pack up and go home. I have already made it home and changed into comfy white sweatpants and a hoodie as I scroll through my social media looking over my account. I read over my comments in my last post seeing many fans want me to post more. I grin before pulling my hoodie over my head.

I sit in silence for a few moments before groaning "Ugh. What I would do to get me some damn cookies right now." I mutter as I scroll. "I wonder what I have in the kitchen" I mutter before getting up and heading down the hallway.

I walk in the kitchen yawning before going through the cabinets. I sigh in disappointment at what I saw. "No cookies really?" I say groaning

After I look around the kitchen I see there is no cookies anywhere. I huff as well. "God Dammit!! Why do I have to have a sweet tooth!" I mutter. "Well I'm not going to sleep without me some cookies."

I then grab my phone from my pocket to call my bestfriend. I smile as it rings until the 3 third ring. "Amiya my loveeee" I say with a shit eating grin as I hear amiya groan on the other line because she knows what I'm about to ask her.

"Ugh it's you.." Amiya says in a annoyed tone making me giggle.
"What is it now Y/n?" She asks as I try to keep myself from laughing. "My love...I'm hurting right now and need something b-but I don't have it and I really need it" i say behind white lies.

"Aww Y/ think im falling for that you little shit" Amiya says in an irritated tone. She's clearly in the middle of something. "I can't get you cookies right now" She says to me while sighing. "Whyyyy" I say whinning. "Because...Don't worry about it just know I can't get you cookies" Amiya says suspiciously as she goes completely quiet and only breathing is heard.

My eyebrows furrow as I become serious. "Amiya you ight?" I ask her firmly as I stand up waiting for her to say something so I know she is safe and not harmed. "Y-yes...I uh with s-someone right I have to go" Amiya says as she breathes shakily.

It clicks and I cover my face in shock as I hang up. "What the fuck" I mutter to myself before I gag. "Dis bitch got somebody over her house beating da dunies" I say as shake my head. I look down at my phone before turning it back on. I take a picture of my cabinets which are pretty full.

Y/N_BEMNoh no! I have no more cookies im about to die from hunger! Someone help!!🤕😢21k❤ 1,223✉ 300📤

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oh no! I have no more cookies im about to die from hunger! Someone help!!🤕😢21k❤ 1,223✉ 300📤

Y/n's_lefttoe:Nooo my baby is starving🙉
Hyewon_BEMN:Y/n your cabinets are literally filled to the max😑😐


iew more reply here...

I grin as i look up from my phone and I walk to my living room couch. I call Hyewon as I let it ring until she answers. "Hyewon my starrr" I say grinning and I hear shuffling before she sighs into the phone. "What do you want Y/n?" She asks souding sleepy and annoyed. "Never mind get some sleep Hyewon unnie" I say to her. "No its fine Y/n what do you need?" Hyewon asks in a softer tone as insists I tell her.

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to the 7-Eleven near my house but you sound like you need sleep" I say softly as I'm willing to walk to the store by myself so she can sleep. "Aww baby its fine but you're right about me needing sleep" she says quietly giggling. "And plus I could get jungwon something as well as she sleeps" she adds on talking about her girlfriend.

"You sure because I don't want her to be upset with me for letting you stay alseep past your bed time" I say jokingly as I grin. "Oh hush she won't do anything anyway" She says stubbornly as I shake my head. "She gone get you but I'll just go with Rèn, get sleep Hyewon unnie" I say firmly as I hang up before mumbling to myself.

"Rèn!!!" I scream as soon a she answers and to my surprise she does the same thing i did and we both start laughing. "Man you funny but you up to?" I ask her after the laughter quiets down. "I was just munching on some chips and watching movies by myself what about you?" Rèn asks as she munches into the phone.

"God damn is they good cause you smacking loud as shit son." I say shaking my head as my face scrunches up. "I'm about to walk to the 7-Eleven close to my house wanna come?" I offer as I pull my hood back on from when I pulled it off my head. "Hell yeah, ill be there in 10 mins" Rèn says before hanging up. I bite my lip as I walk out the door not before grabbing my house key and locking the door.


take a deep breath and close my eyes as the night air blows and touches my skin like a ghost's faint touch. I open my eyes again and I begin walking on the sidewalk as the beautiful stars shine above me like guardian angles.

I put one of my ear buds in my ear as the soft soothing music plays. I feel so content and at peace in the nights, its my favorite time of day. I could stay here all night if I wanted to.

The walk is short lived as I walk into the 7-Eleven greeting the cashier before walking to the chip isle. I hear someone else's walk in and I peek to see who it would be and it was a person in all black so I mind my business  and go back looking at the chips.

I grab 2 bags of chips before going to the drink isle to grab a soda. As I turn around to go to the cookie isle In stopped by that same person in all black holding out a shiny envelope to me. I raise my eyebrow in confusion and they place the envelope in my pants pocket before leaving the store. At that same time Rèn also walks in.

I walk up to Rèn and I tell her to hold the items I had already grabbed. I walk to the cookie isle and I grab 2 small packs of cookies before me and Rèn walk up to the cashier. "Go get you something Rèn, my treat" I say to her as she looks at me and smiles before turning around and walking to the chip isle.

I look at the cashier and I bow my head in acknowledgment as I hand the cashier my card. Rèn comes back with two bags of chips before placing it on the counter. I grin over at her as she begins to walk over to the station to warm up your noodles and what not. I grab the snacks and I follow behind her  before taking a seat in the chair beside her.

"Does your boo thing know you snuck out?" I say jokingly as I giggle and she side eyes me as she smacks her lips. "Bruh why you had to bring that up its not even like that for real" Rèn objects as she playfully punches my arm. I laugh a little bit longer before wiping tears out my eyes. "Whatever you say, the craziest thing just happened to me too" I say as I pull the shiny envelope out of my pocket. Rèn looks at the envelope and reaches for it and I let her as she cautiously opens it.

She slowly opens it to show....
Next chap----->

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