Chap 6:Street woman fighter s2

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She slowly opens the envelope wary of what may be inside. She opens it and there is a white paper with words and a logo at the top.

"Dear whoever is reading this. You have been chosen to participate in the famous worldwide show called street woman fighter season 2. You have not just been chosen randomly, we have been keeping up with your dancing abilities and capability of being the best during the show. In order to participate you must have a group of 4-5 people to form a strong and unbeatable team. The recording will start on August 22- October 31 and the location of the recording will be **********Seoul, korea. Call this number to secure your place 1+***-883-*****"

After reading the paper I look over at Rèn with my mouth agape. "Rèn...I know damn well we didn't just get an invite to participate in THE street woman fighter season 2. The same show AIKI and NOZE were in!" I say trying to keep my voice down as my heart begins to beat 1,000 miles per hour each second I think about what I just read.

"Y/n...this better not be some sick joke because I'm literally sitting bricks right now" Rèn says as she looks like she is about to burst from excitement. "I swear I'm not and you know I would never play like that...well I probably would but that isn't the point" I say

"How about we let amiya and Hyewon know tomorrow because I have to think this over bro" I say as I slowly stand up. Rèn nods as she agrees and grabs her chips and we walk out of the 7-Eleven together but walk different directions.

My mind is bombarded by those what ifs thoughts as I walk home. "This could change my groups life, we will be famous" I mumble to myself as I grin.

The Next Day---->

I groan as my phone wakes me up from my slumber. The rings of my phone piercing my ears before I finally answer it. "Hello?" I say in a raspy voice as I stretch. "Y/N RÈN TOLD ME EVERYTHING. BRING THE ENVELOPE AND COME OVER MY HOUSE" Amiya yells at the top of her lungs and I wince at the sound. "Geez you could use your inside voice" I complain as I get up from bed.

I don't get a reply as Amiya just hangs up. I sigh and throw my phone on my bed as I open my closet door to pick something out to wear.

( hat)

I go to take a shower before putting it on. After I take a shower and get dressed i decide to brush my teeth and fluff my hair back up. I then grab my phone, remake my bed, and walk to the front door to put my shoes on. I grab my house and car keys before leaving the house as I lock my front door. I walk to my car still a bit sleepy but still excited from the news yesterday.

I get in the driver's side and close my car door before starting my car. I pull out of my driveway and begin to drive to Amiya's apartment.

Time skip----->

After I arrive to Amiya's apartment I go knock on the door as I wait patiently. After a few moments the door swings open and the next thing you know I'm being pulled in Amiya's apartment by her. "Woah chill" I say as I look down at her as she looks up at me. "What do you mean chill IM JUST NOW FINDING OUT THAT WE WERE INVITED TO A SHOW THAT COULD CHANGE PUR LIVES" Amiay says excitedly

"Yeah ok but like stop pulling me in by my shirt ok? Besides your being kind of loud" I say as I get on my toes so that I don't have to bend my neck down to talk to her.

"S-Sorry" She mumbles quietly as she lets go of my shirt. I stand there awkwardly looking around her apartment as I wait for her to say something else, but instead she just stands there staring at me. "Uh, you gonna invite me in or what?"

"Are we actually going to participate?" Amiay ask and I nod as I go sit on her couch. "Why would we give up this one in a lifetime opportunity?" I ask as she sits beside me. "I guess your rught" Amiya says as she looks down at her hands. "Don't be nervous amiya you're a great dancer and so is the group" I say as I can tell she seems nervous.

She nods as she lets a sigh go. "Where's Rèn I thought she was here?" I ask as I glance around before resting my confused gaze on her. She shrugs as she opens her mouth to speak but she is interrupted when Rèn bust in the door breathing loudly. "I‐uh *pants* I got the um d-design and shirts" Rèn says as she closes the door and walks up to us before collapsing on the other couch infront of us.

"What are you talking about Rèn?" I ask her as I look at her with my brows furrowed up. "Can I get some water first?" Rèn asks as she looks at me and I shake my head with a slight smile. I walk in Amiya's kitchen and I grab a water bottle out of the fridge. My smirk grows bigger as I toss the cold water bottle on Rèn's stomach. "Aughhh!" Rèn groans loudly before putting her middle finger up at me making me laugh.

"Anyways Rèn what were you saying?" I ask her as my laughter dies down. "For our team I got custom designed shirts and flags to represent our team" Rèn says after taking a big gulp of water. I grin widely "Can I see them?" I ask her excitedly as i stand up looking at her as she sits up on the couch. "Their in the car" Rèn says wiping sweat off her forehead.

I nod before rushing outside to Rèn's car. I open the front door before spotting a bin full of purple and black flags with logos on them I esthetically grab the bin and hurried back in Amiya's apartment. I place the bin on the couch where i was sitting and I pull out one flag and begin looking over the design and color of the shirts and flags like a little kid who received their dream toy on Christmas.

"Damnn Rèn these are nice and the vibe of these are what I could fuck wit" I say as I grab one of the flags and I hold it up looking at Rèn grinning widely.

(I tried guys, this is the logo im talking about)

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(I tried guys, this is the logo im talking about)

Next chap---->

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