Chap 9: DMs

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Y/n headed to her usual busking spot and set everything up as she sighs.

Many people start to sit down on the little steps and wait for Y/n to start her busking time period.

A few minutes pass after she sets everything up and gets situated. "Hello everyone how's everybody's day?" Y/n asks with the microphone infront of her mouth. There is mixed goods and oks as Y/n nods while smiling.

"Today i am clearly not with my members because I will be doing solo busking this time" Y/n says smugly while she nods, some fans clap and cheer because of her words. Y/n glances at the crowd before bending down and grabing her phone. "You guys seem to like me more then my members"

Y/n says jokingly as she looks at the crowd with a smirk as many of them begin to laugh at her statement. "Everyone..which song would you guys most likely like? BTBT or Guilty?" Y/n asks as she hears the crowd yell both of them at once.

"Eh?!, please raise your hand if you want BTBT" Y/n says as she looks around before counting the votes. "Now everyone who wants Guilty" Y/n says once more seeing more votes for Guilty and she playfully covers her face like she is crying.

The crowd laughs and looks at her in amusement. Y/n giggles and shakes her head as she puts her phone and the microphone down on her bag so it wasn't on the floor.

Y/n stands in the middle of the busking zone as she rehearses the moves to make sure she remembers them. The music starts shortly after and she looks into the crowd with an serious expression as she mouthes the lyrics of the song.

They love the way Y/n is such a great busker. It's like the crowd is enchanted by the way Y/n moves. There are captivated by her eyes and the way she keeps the attention as well as attracting it. Many people join the circle formed around Y/n as they watch in astonishment and amazement.

The crowd starts to get a bit rowdy as they cheer for Y/n and demand more! The energy is so high that it's contagious, filling the crowd and the atmosphere with positivity and excitement.

Many people start to get out their phones and record Y/n's performance, wanting to capture this amazing moment. People start to chant her name, hoping to keep the energy flowing.

As the song ends the front clasps and cheers loudly as Y/n grin while walking back behind the speaker and grabing her phone. She also grabs the microphone before taking deep breaths as she tries to catch her breath.

"Did everyone enjoy it?" Y/n asks grinning as she looks around at everyone in the crowd. "NE!!!" The crowd shouts cheerfully. Y/n giggles to herself softly into the mic. She sets the mic down and grabs her water bottle to drink some of it.

The crowd continues to record as they stared at Y/n with amused looks. Y/n puts the water down as she savors the icy cold water. She runs her fingers through her hair before standing up.

"This next song is my favorite so I want you guys to clap and keep the energy up because I will try my best. Are you ready?" Y/n shouts into the mic smirking as she grabs her phone and begins to look for the song.

The crowd all nods while waiting for the song to play.

As soon as they hear the song they cheer and clap loudly. Y/n smirks as she executes each move flawlessly making no mistakes as she looks into the crowd with a seductive look.

She turns her head to her left and locks eyes with a random girl in the front row. She smirks as she makes her way over to the girl and continues to dance while she makes the girl flustered.

The girl covered her face away from Y/n who reaches one of her hands to the girls face. Y/n then makes her way back in the middle just for the song to end. Everyone is amused by this interaction and they clap while cheering.

She stands for a moment before bowing and everyone claps and cheers louder than before. She licks her lips before picking up the microphone and looking at the girl she was being playfully with.

She lets out a chuckle into the mic "Did you like the performance?" Y/n asks in a now raspy voice. She clears her throat to make the raspyness go away before opting to drink more water instead.

"N-ne" The girl says shyly still covering her face embarrassedly. Everyone also agrees with the girl and laugh at the girls reaction to Y/n teasing her. "What's your name?" Y/n asks the girl waiting for answer. Y/n's voice seems less raspy but its still slightly raspy.

"Kim Min joo" the girl says. Y/n nods before smirking as she thinks of something to say. "Wahh Minjoo-ah is such a cutie. Dont you agree everyone?" Y/n asks looking around grinning as everyone nods or verbally says yes. Minjoo covers her face once more as she hides away behind her friend.

"Wahh it has been a lovely time everyone, thank you for watching my performance and supporting me. Have a good day and this was Your Y/n, now signing off" Y/n says bowing formally.

Y/n is now home taking a shower, its around 12:45am. After y/n gets out of the shower she changes into a grey hoodie and grey sweatpants.

Y/n lays in her bed as she scrolls through her phone. She then switches applications and goes to Instagram.

She goes to her DMs replying to a few friends before noticing a message request. She raises her eyebrow expecting it to be a random person being weird or a pervet but she is met with a familiar account name kirsten dodgen. Y/n gasps loudly as she jumps up from her laying position.

"No fucking way...No fucking way!" Y/n yells as her voices gets louder and louder. She then calms herself down and reads the message.

Kirstendogen Hiii Y/n. You're such a talented and beautiful person and I just wanted to say that I'm a fan of yours. I hope u see this so we can become good friends😊

I can't believe THE Kirsten dodgen wants to be MY friend.
Also thank you very much and you're wayyy prettier than ill ever be!
Ofc we could be friends!!

Kirstendodgen is typing....

Hi everyone☺ sorry for the super late updates. I'll try to publish 3 or 2 more chapters soon!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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