Chap 7:Place secured

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"Guys are we gonna call the number right now or when all of us are here?, which leaves us waiting on Hyewon" Amiay asks glancing from me to Rèn. "Um lets wait for Hyew—" I'm cut off by the door bursting open once again. "Can you guys please stop busting open my door like the police" Amiya says sighing as she looks over at Hyewon. "Sorry" Hyewon says giving an apologetic smile.

"now that Hyewon is here we can call the number right?" I say as I pull my phone out of my pocket while waiting for an answer. "Sure/yea" is heard collectively around the living room as I nod before grabbing the invitation and looking at the number.

The phone rings for a while and just as im about to give up the person on the other line picks up. I put the call on speaker as the person speaks"Hello contestants. Could you please state the number of members, group name, and name of members with their position in the group" the caller says. I glance around the room before speaking. "Our group name is BEMN, My name is Y/n ,the maknae of the group" I say before passing the phone to Amiya who is sitting beside me.

"I'm Amiya and I'm the second oldest of the group" Amiya says as the woman on the other line hums in reply to her. Amiya reaches infront of her and passes the phone to Rèn. "I'm Rèn and the second youngest of the group" Rèn says shyly as she glances over at Hyewon before passing the phone to her. "Hi, I'm Hyewon and the Leader/oldest of the group" Hyewon says as she bites her lip looking off into the distance as she waits for the woman to say something.

"M'kay very well. BEMN you guys are the last group, we will start the filming process in 1 week so stay well rested and keep updated" The woman says before hanging up. Hyewon hands me my phone back and I let a deep breath go that I didn't know I was holding before glancing over Amiya's, Rèn's and Hyewon's faces. "Guys...we did it" Hyewon says quietly.

I nod slowly letting that sink in. [We did it..we are finally going somewhere. my dreams are coming true.] I thought to myself as I looked down at my hands that are rested in my lap. "Should we like..prepare more?" I ask outlook as I look around at their faces. "Hmm maybe we should. Like make a daily routine and way to better our moves and what not" Hyewon says before standing up and grabbing her phone so suddenly.

"Maybe we should each take dance classes from choreographers to learn more styles and to get feedback, we could still busk often at the same time, what do you guys say?" Hyewon asks glancing around the room meeting everyone's eyes at least once. "Lets get it" I say grinning as I put my hand out flat with my palm facing the ground

Hyewon catches onto what I'm doing and scoots closer to me while also putting her hand on top of mine. "Everyone huddle up, on 3 BEMN" Hyewon says, her voice getting stronger the second as a feeling of adrenaline builds up.

Everyone has their hand in the circle as our hands pile up on top of each othe rand we all glance at each other with smiles and a feeling of joy and happiness "1,2,3! BE MINE, BE OUR SUNSHINE!" we all say in unison with the same excitement and rush Hyewon felt.

We then pull our hands out of the circle and I sit back down. "Should we start tomorrow?" Rèn asks as she fiddles with her fingers, something she does when she is overthinking and a bit worried. She mostly does this when she is trying something new. "Rèn" I call out to her waiting for her shaky eyes to meet mine. "Chill..just chill, we got you" I say to her softly and she nods before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes and opening them back up

"You're right..we definitely got this" Rèn says finally leaving her deep pit of horrible thoughts. "You know you guys are my family now. We've came so far in so much time, I remember when Y/n was 12 and Rèn 13" Amiya says smiling fondly at us as she looks a bit dazed and unfocused.

Hyewon nods with a soft and calm expression, "It was like all over again..when we promised each other we would be bestfriends until the end or when we looked out for each other like an older brother would for his little sister" Hyewon adds with a slight smile and looks down at her feet which are shifting slightly as Hyewon seems to be in thought.

A small smile rests on my face as I reminisce the past when we were all younger.


"Hurry before they catch us Rèn" said a kid with black short hair in curls. A kid with a short hairstyle follows as she giggles behind Y/n. The 2 hide behind a big black  bench as they wait for the other 2 to find them. "Hmm where could those little kids be?" Another soft voice is heard a few feet infront of them.

"Hey! We're not little Hyewon unnie" Rèn instinctively says while standing up blowing their cover. Hyewon giggles as she begins to chase after Rèn, Y/n giggles quietly as she runs for her little life toward the swing set on the playground.

Amiya suddenly comes out of nowhere catching Y/n by surprise. "Ahhhh!" Y/n screams at the top of her lungs as Amiya wraps her arms around Y/n stopping her from moving around as Y/n wiggles her body. "Nooo this is the 2nd time we've lost Rèn" Y/n says whinning as amiya looks down at her snickering. "You're lucky You're tall because when I get taller than you You're done" Y/n says as she points her little finger up at Amiya  pouting slightly.

Amiya finds this the funniest thing in the world since she bends over laughing hysterically.

End of flash back-->

I smirk as I look over at amiya who is on her phone now. "Amiya guess what" I say mischievously as I scoot closer to her while wrapping my arm around her shoulder. "What?" Amiya says looking at me suspiciously as she side eyes me while putting her phone down. I lean closer to her ear "I'm taller than you now" I say teasingly as she smacks her lips loudly and pushes me off of her.

I laugh loudly as she rolls her eyes before turning her phone back on and turning her attention back to it.

Next chap--->

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