Chap 2:Princess

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Your POV still

We all look over to see amiya and a tall Korean guy. The tall Korean guy is helping amiya up. I cover my mouth with a grin "wow a new couple" I say in the microphone. The crowd giggles before the laughter dies down. "Yay everyone is here!" I say into the microphone with a laugh.

"Ah cute"
a girl in the crowd says to her friend. I grin shaking my head before handing the microphone to Rèn.

"Hello everyone my name is Rèn and I'm the second youngest member" Rèn says with a smile before waving to the crowd before passing the microphone to hyewon. "hello everyone my name is hyewon and I'm the leader of our group called 'BEMN' " She says before bowing with smile before passing the microphone to amiya. "Hi guys my name is amiya and I'm the second oldest of the group." Amiya says before passing it back to me and pointing to me.

I grab the microphone."Um.. hi I'm Y/n and I'm the youngest of the group" I say before hiding behind hyewon. Some of the people laulgh in the crowd. "Today is a special day for our makne can anybody guess?" Hyewon asks the crowd with a quizzical look on her face as she looks in the crowd.A person in the crowd says 'birthday?' Hyewon smirks and nods.

"Right. Today is our maknae's birthday and she is now..." hyewon looks over at me before putting the microphone infront of my mouth. "20" I say into the mic grinning. Hyewon nods before speaking again. "What order are we busking in?" Hyewon asks while looking over at us.

"Lets do oldest to youngest" I say as I bend down getting a sip of my coffee. Hyewon and the others nod. Hyewon hooks up her phone to the aux before handing me the phone I press play on the song she choose.

The song blasts through the speakers as people in the crowd grab their phones and begin to record. I watch hyewon as she interacts with some of the girls in the crowd, who also dance along with her. As I'm watching her perform someone lightly taps me on my leg. I look down to see a toddler holding onto my pants leg while looking at me with a cute little smile.

I bend down to be at eye level with the toddler. "Hi princess whats your name?" I ask the little girl softly. The little girl cheeses at me while playing with the rings on my fingers. "I'm lee nayeon" she says cutely as she puts her head on my shoulder as im still at eye level with her.

I encircle my arms around her little body as I grin before tapping amiya who looks over and smiles before bending down also. "Where's your mom princess?" I ask her with sweet and gently tone. "My mom is right there and my dad is at home" the toddler says pointing at her mom before looking at me and leans closer.

I grin before looking up at her mom who bows her head apologizing I shake my head with a smile saying its ok. "What's wrong princess?" I ask her as I look in her little doe eyes. She shakes her head with a little smile"I  just like you" she says with a little smile as she leans her little body on my shoulder. I pat her little back back with a smile.

"Are you and mom going to stay to watch me dance?" I ask her softly as I look at her with a smile. She nods as she looks at Hyewon who begins to finish her dance. I clap along with the crowd as I smile.

Amiya hands me her phone before holding her hand out to high five the toddler who reciprocates the gesture and high fives amiya. Amaiya walks to the middle of the circle waiting for the song to start.

I grin as I watch amiya dance perfectly while giving amazing expressions.

Chap 3------>

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