Chap 8: Recognition

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2 weeks before the Recording

BEMN's group account has been blowing up ever since they joined dance classes and begin learning more dance styles. Their own personal accounts have over a million followers each.

To present time-->

Y/n is out of her apartment earlier then she would like to. She is on her way to her 6am dance class and 10am busking period.


I sigh as I put my ear buds in my ears and I let the music drag me into my own little world. I spot a 7-Eleven a few feet away from me so I check the time before deciding I had a few minutes to spare. I walk into the 7-Eleven bowing my head to the cashier before grabbing a big water to fill up my water bottle.

I grab the water bottle and I get up to walk back to the cashier as I pull one of my ear buds out of my ear to hear her speak. "Hello how are you?" I ask her softly as I place the water down on the counter and she scans it. She glances at my face before looking down again but quickly glances back.

"Im doing g—Wait! Are you Y/n?" She gasps while covering her mouth. She lets out a shreek as her eyes are now widened and her hands are slightly shaky. "Yes I am, calm down sweetheart you'll make me worry" I say grinning as she nods still speechless.

"C-can I get a picture if you're not busy?" She asks hopefully as she holds her phone out to me to take. I nod while grabbing her phone and switching to the camera app on her phone. "Do you want to come from around the counter or do you just want to take it like this?" I ask her as she looks up at me with a shy smile

She comes from around the counter and she quietly asks for consent to wrap her arm around me, which I give. I raise up the phone so the angle is just right and I give the camera a real big smile as the shy girl next me does the same. After we take the picture I grin as she grabs her phone and bows before getting back to her job so she won't get fired. "Have a good day beautiful" I say waving as I begin to make my way to the dance studio.

She shyly waves back with her other hand covering her mouth.

I shake my head in shock after what happened. I didn't expect to ever be recognized by a fan even though I am gaining more respect and fans. I continue my short walk to the dance studio as my favorite songs blast in my headphones.

As I enter the building I greet the front desk lady as i sign in before going to the room the dance class would be held in. "Hi Jen unnie" I say as I bow in respect to her as i close the door walking in her class. She nods her head towards me as I put my stuff down

I turn my head phones off and I set my water bottle down beside my bag as I join the rest of the class quietly. I look forward as our dance teacher speaks about the new dance style we'll be learning today.

I can't help but get excited. We would be dancing in partners and I've been estatic about it ever since Jen unnie told us about it. As the class starts, I follow my teacher's moves as she leads us in the choreography for the routine.

The song Shape of you by ed sheran plays through the speakers and our dance teacher begins to show her the choreography we will be learning.

I feel a rush of energy surge through me when I hear shape of you. As our teacher starts to teach us the choreography I follow along to the moves she is performing. After a couple of repetition I already start to feel like I've picked up most of the steps in the choreography.

I smile as my movements get more fluent with each repetition of the choreography. I'm determined to get this choreography down by the time it's over today. Our teacher goes through the choreography a couple more times and then decides to have us perform in partners.

I quickly look around the room and spot the girl who danced with me before. Her name is Lee nara, I decide to partner up with her and we work on the choreography together. We're both pretty good so it's easy for us to get the steps down.

I glance over at her and she is already staring at me with a grin as she steps closer to me and I bend down slightly so I can hear her. "Nice to see you again Y/n isn't it?" Nara whispers to me and I let a soft smile take over my face as i nod. "Do you get prettier everyday?" I whisper back to her jokingly.

She slaps my shoulder lightly as she lets out a muffled giggle because of her hand over her mouth. "Oh please Y/n" She says, her cheeks turning flush red. "You are such a flirt, you know that?" She says to me grinning as I nod with a sly smile. "I've been told twice and what not" I say smirking as she playfully scoffs at my answer

"Lets get this dance down before I do something I regret" She says a she grabs my hand and leads me to part of the dance studio where only a few people are. I snicker as i shake my head. "Oh yeah and what is that?" I ask as she takes a sip of her water before standing back up fully.

"Don't worry about it" She says slightly smirking.

A few moments later-->

"Alright everyone if you want to show everyone what you got raise your hand" our dance teacher tells us. A few people raise their hand including me and Nara, she nods and picks 4 other people who were already partnered up to dance.

Nara and I, decide to go last after the other 4 people.

Our time shortly comes and I feel a bubble of nerves build up in my stomach as I rehearse the moves in my head. Nara glances over at me and grabs my hand making me snap my eyes towards her. "We got this Y/n" Nara whispers to me softly while smiling. I nod as I let a breath go, feeling a little weight off of me.

Me and Nara's chemistry brings the other people around us in uproar as they clap and cheer loudly. My eyes stay on Nara as she wraps her arms around my neck pulling me down towards her as she bites her lip looking at me with half lidded eyes.

I smirk as I lean closer to her making it look like we kissed. Our lips were inches away from each other and I could feel her breath hitch as she buries her head in my neck shyly. I grin as my hands rest just below her waistline. "Hmm who knew you were so shy?" I say teasingly as I pull away letting her still keep my hand in hers. Her hand was slightly smaller than mine but her hands were still warm.

Nara and I, bow before walking to the back of the room where our bags and water bottles were. She fans her face as she drinks some of her water. I smirk looking down at her before sitting beside her. "Girl, stop tryna act like you fanning yo face cause you hot!" I say jokingly. "Aishh shut up" Nara says holding her hand out like she was going to hit me.

I raise my eyebrows before full on laughing. "If you hit me watch what will happen" I say as I look at her with a 'try me' expression. She rolls her eyes and hits my thigh. I quickly move to grab her hand before tickling her sides. "Y/n! St-stop" She says in between laughter as she wiggle said kicks her feet around.

Time skip--->

Y/n left the studio and went back home to get washed up and change from her sweaty clothes.

Y/n checks herself out in the mirror to make sure she looks nice before leaving her apartment

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Y/n checks herself out in the mirror to make sure she looks nice before leaving her apartment.

Next chap--->

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