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After we all made our way in the bus, The bus driver started driving. I made my way down to my bunk and sat on the mattress. Madison passed by me. Then stopped. What she did next was the bad part.

She slapped me. "You bitch!" She started clawing at my hair. Gilinsky ran up to where we were and pulled her off of me, including the clump of hair in her hand. My head hurt BAD. Johnson made his way over to me. He inspected my head.

"Serena, your head is bleeding." He said. He immediately ran over to the first aid kit. It was true. When I touched my finger to my head, not only did my scalp burn, but my fingers were covered with blood. I just started crying.

"Oh my god, JUST GET OVER IT!" Madison screeched at me. Gilinsky whispered something in her ear and she went inside her bunk. Still rolling her eyes.

Everyone gathered around me making sure I was okay. Johnson came back and took out one of those head bandages. He carefully took my head in his hands, and was focused all throughout in wrapping my head. He then gave me ice in case it hurt more, and gave me an Advil, and a glass of water.

Gilinsky spoke from behind. "She looks like she lost a lot of blood. I'm no doctor but, it looks bad. Should we take her to the hospital?"

Rachel was also surrounding me. "No." Everyone looked to her. "No, we are already late. In the one-day travel time her head will heal. Madison was right, it's not such a big deal." Leave it to Rachel to back up Madison.

Johnson looked into my eyes, "Are you sure you're fine Serena?"

I honestly didn't feel good but I didn't want to make such a burden on everyone else. "Yeah, I'm fine." He searched my eyes to see if I was lying. "Really," I continued. He nodded and got up from his kneel.

Rachel spoke up, "Ok guys! Get to sleep!"

Everyone dismissed with, "I hope you feel better" and, "Sorry". Mahogany hugged me. "Feel better babe." She then crawled up into her bunk and closed the curtains.

I popped the Advil into my mouth, and flushed it down with water. I kept my glass in the mini bar sink and went back to my bunk. I closed the curtains. I don't know why but I started tearing up. I missed my mom. I missed the life I had before the tour. Sure, I met a lot of great people here, but it wasn't the same as having friends.

I decided to lay my head down, because after all, it was an exhausting day. As soon as I laid my head down on the soft pillow, I regretted it. I cringed at how bad my head hurt. I turned on my side. It wasn't much better. I just closed my eyes, and tried to fall asleep.


I didn't get much sleep last night. All I did was literally stare at the patterns on my bed curtains. Now it's 8:00 a.m. and I'm scrolling through Instagram, liking people's pictures and following fan accounts online. Mostly scared of getting out of my bunk and facing Madison.

I was startled my a knock on my bunk wall. I poked my head out to see what it was. I looked up and down the aisle. There was no one there.

"Psst." I looked above me. It was Mahogany.
"Hey." I smiled.

"The bus is stopped for a break in Salt Lake City, Utah. Want to go ask everybody if they want to eat IHOP?" She raised one eyebrow.

"Even Madison?" I asked. She frowned.

"What Madison did to you was horrible, but you have to face your enemies."

Mahogany was right. It's better not to fight fire with fire.

"Okay. I'll try." I climbed out of my bunk, and waited for Mahogany to get out of hers.

"All right. You wake up The Jacks and Sam, and I'll wake up Madison and Matt." I nodded, agreeing. I went to Sam's bunk. "Pssst!" I whispered.

"They didn't tell you?" I jumped, and spin myself around. It was Rachel. Her arms were crossed and her eyebrows raised. "Tell me what?" I asked, wanting to know.

She mustered a grin. "They called an uber driver and went to breakfast together."

"Everyone," she replied.

I was hurt. I can't believe that everybody went with Madison after what she did. I guess people forgive her easily.

I was more hurt that Johnson went too. He showed so much care for me the night before. I thought he had feelings for me, but he's just an average boy. Rachel must be lying. Everyone knew how I felt about Madison, and wouldn't do that to me.

Mahogany had now walked over to where Rachel and I were standing. "Hey. Madison wasn't in her bunk. Neither was Matt." Rachel flashed an "I told you so", and walked back to her computer at the mini bar. I looked at Mahogany.

"Yeah they went to breakfast together. With The Jacks and Sam." Mahogany clenched her fists. "Don't worry though!" I continued, "Lets go get some waffles!" I tried to sound enthusiastic, but all that came out was a cracked sound. "Ok, let's go." She said. We walked out of the bus. Mahogany ringed up an uber driver, and we waited for the car to arrive. Moments later, an uber car sped into the parking lot. It stopped. Sam, Matt, The Jacks, and Madison all came out laughing; looking like they were having fun. They all carried Wendy's cups, and bags.

"Eyyyyy! Look who's awake!" Sam had spotted us. Everyone's attention was on us. No one spoke. Mahogany broke the silence.

"Why didn't you guys invite us? And why did you go with Madison?" I looked in Johnson's eyes, and could tell he was as confused as Mahogany and I. Gilinsky started talking.

"Well, Madison said she apologized to you guys yesterday night. She said you guys were friends again. This morning she asked us if we wanted to go to Wendy's, and that she would text you to meet us there. When you didn't come, we assumed you guys hadn't woken up yet."

Mahogany scoffed. "You're that gullible to believe Madison?!" Madison was now smirking and all the boys were now super confused. Rachel came behind us. "Alright! We need to go!" Mahogany and I turned around to face her.

"We didn't get breakfast yet," Mahogany complained.

"Well you should have woken up earlier." She shooed everyone into the bus. The bus driver started driving. I made my way to my bunk. Why would Madison trick them like that? Probably to get back at me.

A hand tapped my shoulder. I turned around, and saw Johnson. "I'm sorry. I didn't know she was tricking us." He said. He actually looked sorry. It wasn't his fault anyways. After all, it was Madison who tricked them. "It's okay," I said.

I sat in my bunk and closed the curtains. My head still hurt. I took off the bandage around my head. It was covered in dry blood. I touched my hand to my scalp. It made a burning sensation, but it was better than before. I closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

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