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a prophecy 

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a prophecy 

💚. *. ⋆✧・゚: *✧・゚:*💚

authors pov


the green ninja looks over to the pile of thugs as he dusts his hands. this is it? this is what he left y/n for? thugs? and he wasted all the time when he could have been talking to y/n. 

to admire her pretty face? to hear her laugh which sounds like the stars are singing. 

he jumps up into the air, onto a building roof top. he runs quietly across, people cheering down below. 

the green ninja is the best. who wouldn't love the green ninja?

the green ninja flips, giving the forming crowd a small show. never bad to listen to the fans right?


"hey! where was everyone?" lloyd says, taking off his mask as he walks into the monastery. the monks close the door behind the ultimate spinjitzu master, even though he incredibly hates that name. like a lot. he'd prefer they jut call him lloyd. but they're not going to listen to him. 

"in the silent room, master lloyd,"

lloyd halts in his steps. the silent room? no one goes there...unless...unless there's a new prochphecy. 


lloyd tugs the green vest over his arms as he knocks on the double doors. no monks here this time. only elemental masters are allowed near there. one normal mortal they just get sent back. 

jay peeks his head out, smiling at lloyd. 

"you are late, dude!"

"i didn't even know there was something to be late for," lloyd whispers, squeezing past him. he goes to say something but then sees how quiet everyone is. 

"son, you are here," garmadon says, walking over to the blond. lloyd nods, seeing his family. 

"y-yeah, i'm here. what happened?" lloyd asks. "is everything okay?" 

"you're going to want to sit down for this, kid," kai says, his arms crossed. cole looks over to jay who looks at him. 

"there's been another prophecy, lloyd," misako says, putting an arm on his shoulder. lloyd's eyebrows furrow. what?

"what is it?" the chosen one asks. another prophecy? really? everyone remains silent. "what. is. it?" lloyd repeats, looking around. wu hands him a dated scroll, the paper going yellow. lloyd looks around at everyone before looking down at the scroll. 

what? are you joking?

"t-this can't be true," lloyd stammers, looking over to his family. "we've defeated every bad guy that's come our way. we know every elemental master, don't we?"

"i'm sorry, little man," cole says, his dark brown skin contrasting with the white hoodie that he is wearing. "we will help you every step of the way though,"

"i'm out of here," lloyd says, dropping the scroll. this is unbelievable. he walks out of the double doors, slamming it behind him. 

"maybe, it was foolish to tell him?" garmadon says, picking up the scroll. 

"he needed to know," nya says, cuddling into jay. the lightning ninja keeps his hands around his girlfriend's waist. 

"i'll go talk to him," kai says, ready to leave. 

"no," wu says, his hands behind his back. "for this new  challenge, everyone is going to need to train twice as heard. an unbalanced elemental master could change the balance. and since lloyd is going to be the one to defeat them, he will need our help,"

soulmates. 𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖞𝖉 𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖌𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖓Where stories live. Discover now