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the fundraiser

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the fundraiser

a/n: 2.2k for you pretty people

warning: slightly cringy???

💚. *. ⋆✧・゚: *✧・゚:*💚

authors pov


elena groans in her grey blanket as her phone vibrates on her bedside table. it's on do not disturb. and only two people can go through it. it better be her favourite person. 

she reaches out for her phone, pressing the green button. 

"hello?" she murmurs, her eyes still closed. 

"hey, el! good morning! did i wake you up?" of course it's y/n. 

"yeah," elena grumbles, looking at the time from the bright light of her phone. "it's not even six yet, what's up?"

"it's fundraiser day!" y/n smiles. elena can hear it through the phone. "open up!"

"open?" elena mutters, hearing a knock on her apartment door. "please tell me that's not you. y/n please. please, i'm begging you,"

"i have got some blueberry muffins hot from the oven, henry made them, and a container full of black coffee. it's your favourite!" y/n states with a smile, hearing the door unlock and a very sleepy looking elena opens it. 

"where are they?"


elena eats the last blueberry muffin, with a hum as she sits in y/n's limo. it's not something y/n uses very often but since the fundraiser is today, there's a lot of stuff she needs to carry and move around. 

and it's a much better idea, just taking the biggest car then a bunch of smaller ones. you have to be practical. 

can she drive it? no. but she is taking lessons to drive cars. 

"henry, did we get the snacks? i can't-"

"they are already there, miss," henry says, looking at the front mirror, smiling at y/n. y/n slumps against her seat, sighing out in relief. "do not panic, miss. it will go perfectly," 

right. of course, it will. but what if it doesn't? what if the ninja's don't come? what if her dad comes? what if-

"stop panicking," elena says, squeezing y/n's hands in comfort. "it will perfectly. and if it doesn't, we can blame morro," she shrugs, making y/n laugh softly. "he wouldn't mind,"

"thanks elena," y/n says, lying against her shoulder. "i love you,"

"i love you too," elena says. "and it is going to be great. i'm here, aren't i? i'll be here standing next to you, until we're crinkly old ladies,"

soulmates. 𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖞𝖉 𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖌𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖓Where stories live. Discover now