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a plan

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a plan

a/n: i also wanna change my racial headcanon for zane; i still think he's german but maybe half german and half japanese 

💚. *. ⋆✧・゚: *✧・゚:*💚

authors pov


"what's up?" nya asks, sitting down in the cafeteria with y/n and elena. elena looks over y/n with her eyebrow raised. 

"i think lloyd might be my soulmate," y/n whispers to nya, the girl's blue eyes going wide. 

"what?" she voices. this is great news. wait, a minute. "how do you know?"

"we don't," elena says. "she says because they have the same soulmate bond thing, that they might be. and she's starting to like him~"

"hush, elena!" y/n whisper shouts. "but she's right," y/n says, turning to elena. "i was wondering if he's said anything about me to you, or if he thinks we might be soulmates as well,"

nya purses her lips. lloyd would kill her if she speaks. but what if they are?

"no...sorry," nya lies. "uh, but we can like make a plan or something? your bond is the heart on your wrist, right? and it changes colour to what your soulmate is feeling?" y/n and elena both nod. "so why not make him feel certain emotions and see if your heart changes? and we do the same thing to you,"

"i didn't think of that," y/n mumbles, playing with the string on her light purple turtleneck. 

"because you're not smart enough,"

"hush elena," y/n hums squeezing her eyes shut. "would you be okay with that? it's kind of betraying him, in a way..."

"yep," nya says with no fault. "one hundred percent," this needs to be done. what if they are soulmates. lloyd will thank her. but what if they aren't...? let's not think about that. there's not need. "so when should we start this thing?"

"we can start today? after cheerleading?" y/n suggests. "finally got it changed that we have it before basketball. and, usually, some of the basketballers watch and lloyd might be there?"

"i could convince him," nya says. 

"or, you could join the cheer squad," elena says. 

"what?" nya laughs. 

"not actually join join but you could pretend to be on it so that he waits for you and all your friends too,"

"that's actually not a bad idea," y/n mumbles, looking over to nya. "but only do it if you want to. i would never force you to join. and neither would el,"


"hush elena,"

"i...i guess so?" nya shrugs. "it's just cheer, right? it's not that hard," y/n's eye unvoluntary twitches in that response. 

"it's hard," elena admits. "but i'm sure you'll pick it up just fine,"

"so that's the plan then?" y/n concludes. "we try and get lloyd to feel certain emotions to see if it'll show up on my wrist,"

"and i'll be the one closer to him," nya says. "because he's used to me and i'll keep checking the heart on his wrist and let you guys know what colour it is,"

"i think that's a plan," elena smiles, looking at the girls. 


liked by nyasssmith, elenasallow, llloydgarmadon, jayzzz & 986, 749, 642 others

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liked by nyasssmith, elenasallow, llloydgarmadon, jayzzz & 986, 749, 642 others

y/nl/n ☁️ (@nyasssmith took the picture)

view 786, 086 comments

nyasssmith and that's why the picture looks so good 🫶🏻

¬ elenasallow We went outside for no reason 😐

¬ y/nl/n i think it was cute 🥰

itsnotmorro el has friends?

¬ elenasallow i hope you suffocate 🥰

ilovey/n where'd you get your shoes?

¬ y/nl/n me? i ordered them. i'll send you the link 😙


¬ nyasssmith 😙

¬ y/nl/n awwww 🥹🥹

¬ colebrkstoneblksmith that could b u and lloyd yk??

¬ llloydgarmadon COLE

¬ 💀💀

¬ llloydgarmadon *runs away*

¬ y/nl/n *running away too*

sheloves.nicholasramiez foursome? 😏

¬ colebrkstoneblksmith bro


¬ jennyiscool digital footprint is #REAL

¬ gabiwrld YOOOOOO

¬ Don't ever say that again

¬ y/nismywife YOU ARE GETTING CANCELLED @sheloves.nicholasramiez

soulmates. 𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖞𝖉 𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖌𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖓Where stories live. Discover now