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missing mother

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missing mother

a/n: the amount of ghost readers i have is crazy lol

i fell asleep to 48k views and i woke up to 48.3k views

💚. *. ⋆✧・゚: *✧・゚:*💚

authors pov


nicholas walks to ninjago high school with mattias right next to him. the bleached blond keeps, looking over to the purpled dyed haired guy who's looking at the floor as he walks. 

"are you going to tell the princess that you can't see colour-" mattias shushes him, looking around. "no one's here," and he's right. no one is here.  

"you still didn't to say it aloud, man," mattias says, walking on. "and no. i'm not telling her,"

"but she asked you to get a purple cake," nicholas says, trying to be the voice of reason. which isn't very often. but he's doing pretty well, right now. "there are different shades of purple. you might not be able to realise which one it is,"

"i'll be fine," mattias walks into the school, nicholas groaning in annoyance and jogging on after him. 


"hey, princess," nicholas says, getting y/n's attention. she looks up from her astrology book. she's read it about four times now. "can you send me a picture of the cake?"

"sure," y/n says, getting her phone from her pocket and scrolling through her gallery. "how come?"

"mattias needs it,"

"then why didn't he ask me?" y/n laughs, sending it to nicholas' and mattias' instagrams. nicholas shrugs, resting against the chair opposite. 

"hey guys," elena says, sitting down next to y/n. she puts her arm around the [skin colour] skin girl, squeezing her. "what you guys talking about?"

"your party,"

"y/n!" nicholas says, making hand motions before realising something. " don't care that she knows?"

"she knows there's a party but she doesn't know what we're doing," y/n tells him, making him roll his eyes. 

"that could have been useful," nicholas mutters as y/n looks at him with a shrug. "estúpido,"

"what did you say?" elena raises her eyebrow at the bleached blonde who purses her lips. 

"nothing, almost birthday girl," he says, getting up from lying against the chair. "i've got to go do something. i'll see you guys in a bit,"

"he's hiding something," elena mutters, looking at nicholas leave. 

"aren't we also hiding something?" y/n says, looking over at elena. elena groans, banging her head on the table. quiet loudly. the librarian shushes the two, even elena was the one that made the noise, peering over his circular shaped glasses. 

"you could never be a bad guy," elena says, looking up at y/n. "you're too nice and always see everyone's side,"

"it's how my mother raised me," y/n says, remembering times with her mother. when they went to the park, almost every saturday. when m/n would help her with her cheer routine's. they would bake together. cook together. spend d/n's black card together. and when he found out, he couldn't even be mad. they were the two most important women in his life. d/n's mother...isn't the best. and she's still annoying him to this day. "come on," y/n says, getting up. "it's the seventh. we've got like a few days till the fundraiser, then your birthday,"

"and that winter ball thing?" now, it's y/n's turn to slam her head against the table. 

"how did i forget out that?!"


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