Chapter 4

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There was nothing more depressing than staring at the plain hospital walls which, for some reason, they chose to paint the ghastliest colour of white they could get their hands on. If they had turned me on my other side, at least I would have been able to look through the window.

The fact that I had been laying on my side this entire time instead of my back wasn't lost on me. Neither was the way the doctor would visit a few times a day to check up on me and would do his best to avoid all my questions. I don't know if it was my parents or Coach telling Doctor Caldwin to keep his mouth shut around me, but the mans lips were locked.

The only thing I managed to pry out of one of the nurses who turned out to be a fan of me was that they were waiting for the rest results and until then, nothing was conclusive.

"How are you doing today, My Reyes?" The nurse in question entered my room with a tray of breakfast.

Even though I was paying for premium service and the best room in the hospital, the food was still shit. Though today didn't seem too bad with some pathetic, dry looking legs, freshly baked bread, luxury butter to tie it all together and what I could only assume was freshly squeezed orange juice to wash it all down with.

Too bad I still wasn't eating by myself and required someone to feed me.

Mum, dad, Tiberius, and Sienna flew over to New York as soon as they saw me get absolutely pummelled from behind on the TV. They were here and waiting for me after I woke up from the operation, and they flew back to Mountbatten last night upon my insistence. They had left in a rush, and had left Mia with Sienna's parents, so I insisted they at least head back for some rest and to retrieve essentials like clothes and phone chargers.

I expected mum and dad to be back tonight at the very latest. I was surprised that I was able to even persuade them to leave in the first place, but I guess they understood that this was a very delicate time for me, and I needed some space and time to myself.

"You don't have to call me Mr Reyes. You can call me T." I grinned, unable to turn off the charm even though my whole body was numb and there was this sharp pain in my lower back whenever I so much as moved or breathed heavily. And then there was my shoulder which was bandaged and still hurt too much to move.

A furious blush spread over her cheeks, and she giggled. "You're in no state to do that, T." She giggled again like a silly little schoolgirl. "I don't mind helping you at all. You're much nicer than my other patients, anyway."

"Don't let them hear you say that." I winked.

It was rather dehumanising having someone feed me when I was still young and very able, even if she was an attractive nurse who was clearly besotted with me.

"I see you're getting first-class treatment here, Reyes." Coach chuckled, announcing himself as he walked into my hospital room. "I'm glad you're in such capable hands. How are you feeling today?"

"Better than yesterday." It was a lie, but I didn't want anyone to know the truth about just how much pain I was in. There was a lot at stake here and this kind of injury that I had suffered could cost me a lot. It could cost me my whole career.

"I'm glad to hear that." He paused, watching as the nurse busied herself with loading up the tray and excusing herself. "Do you think you're up for a chat?"

"With you, Coach? Always." I forced a smile even though a sick feeling of dread filled my stomach to the point where I felt like I was going to throw up my breakfast.

I knew what he wanted to talk about, and I knew what it would mean for me. For my career.

"Just say it, Coach. Just pull off the band aid." I urged him, my tone pleasing.

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