Chapter 19

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What did Ted Mosby say? Nothing good happened after 2am. Well, he was fucking wrong.

Nothing good happened after 5 double shots of a tequila and more porn star martinis than I could remember. I was already a little buzzed from the beers at my brother's place, but that didn't stop me from stopping by a bar on my way to my final destination of the night.

What was a search for liquid courage quickly turned into so much more shots and porn star martinis than I planned for. While it did certainly give me liquid courage, I found myself with more courage than knew how to deal with.

It wasn't difficult to track down Sal's house. All I had to do was call up Ava. Thankfully I had done it before I got drunk at the bar so she wasn't as mad about me calling that late at night as she would be if I were to have called her now. Much to my surprise, it didn't take as much convincing and grovelling on my part as I was willing to do. And that was saying something considering I had never grovelled for something in my life. Especially not for a woman.

Neither of us said anything, but I knew that she knew, and I could tell that she could tell that I knew. The surprised look on her face told me that she had figured it out for the first time then, which surprised me even more.

Did Sal not even tell her close friends who the father of her baby was? Why not?

Was she ashamed?

In attempt to sober myself up for what I knew would mostly likely be the most difficult conversation of my life, I threw back a whole bottle of water, but it did very little to even quench my thirst.

My throat was dry, and my hand was shaking as I pressed down on the doorbell. All the alcohol flowing through my system dulled my senses, and I didn't realise until the door was yanked open that my finger had been on the buzzer the whole time.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" A sleepy Sal swore at me. "What are you doing? Take your finger off it."

When I didn't immediately react, she swore again and slapped my hand away from the buzzer.

"What's wrong with you? What are you doing here?" Sal glared darkly at me, her lips turned down in a harsh scowl as she crossed her arms over her chest. That turned out to be a mistake because my eyes immediately dropped to her ample cleavage in the button-down shirt that she was wearing. Thankfully, Sal was too mad to notice where I was staring otherwise, I was sure she would have clocked me round the head for ogling her in such a brazen way.

In all my years of dating – more like sleeping with women and never going past the talking stage to make things official – I had never dated a Latina before even though I was Latino myself. I had always believed that someone calmer was more my type, but this woman was proving me wrong.

She was angry, and had sworn at me several times already, but all I could do was wonder if she was wearing anything under that shirt. The material was thin, and I could make out the curve of her boobs from underneath it, but I couldn't be completely sure yet.

The sole reason of why I was here in the first place went out the window the moment she opened the door and glared at me like she wanted me dead. Instead, my cock grew so hard in my sweatpants to the point of pain, but it was that delicious kind of pain that had you coming back for more.

That feeling was kind of like Sal.

"I came here to see you." My words were more slurred than I anticipated, and my face flushed in embarrassment.

What was wrong with me? Why was I blushing? Why was my face betraying me like this? Why did I react this way to this woman? Why did she have such a powerful pull over me even after six years? Why couldn't I stop thinking about her even though I was the one who hadn't called her up?

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