Chapter 16

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"Are you sure everything is alright, T?" Sal asked, starting to sound concerned as he stared at me. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"I could see a ghost and wouldn't be as shocked as I am now." I whispered under my breath, my eyes remaining locked on Sal who had the softest, most beautiful look on her face as she gazed into the crowd of kids that were still waiting for Silas to dismiss them.

Where was she looking? Which one of the kids was her own?

Was she here to pick up her kid, or a friend's? Maybe she was here for a niece or nephew.

From where I was standing, the realisation of the unbelievable truth was slowly starting to dawn on me., but I wasn't ready to believe it.

"Are you sure nothing is wrong?"

"Yes. I mean no." I was quick to deny. I didn't want to give myself away, but the stumbling over my words wasn't helping. I blinked hard to snap out of the daze and turned my attention back to Silas. "Sorry. I mean, nothing is wrong. I just remembered that I have to do something."

"Do what?" Silas asked, far from convinced despite my answers.

"Something at home." I lied smoothly. "I was supposed to be home a while ago for it but I got caught up in all this and forgot about it."

"I hope I didn't get you in trouble by making you help me out."

"No, don't worry about." I was quick to dismiss. "I really enjoyed myself. I'll text you about next. I'm not sure if I'll have anything else then as well or not."

"Okay. See around then I guess."

"See you around, Silas."

I waved Silas and the kids goodbye before Sal could spot me. With the sole intent of avoiding running into her, I headed further into the park instead of taking the traditional route out of it. If I was to do that, then I would have to pass Sal. With all the confused thoughts and unanswered questions swirling through my mind, that was the last thing I wanted to do right now.

Thankfully, Silas didn't look back and none of the kids paid me any particular attention – they were probably more interested so they could be dismissed and get back to their parents – as I blended into the greenery. I slipped back behind a tree, glancing around the side of it to watch Sal.

She looked so calm and relaxed, so beautiful as she waited patiently for Silas to dismiss the kids. When he finally did, my eyes ran over all of the kids, wondering which one of them was hers.

I knew it was none of my business, but I couldn't bring myself to leave.

I don't know why it came as such a surprise to me that she was a mum. A lot of people around our age – in their mid-to-late twenties – had settled down and started on a family. However, in all those moments I spent thinking about Sal and what she may be doing while I travelled the country playing football, I had never once considered that she may be married. And I certainly had never thought that she would have a family of her own. Not because I didn't think she would have one or she didn't deserve to be happy – one night with that woman told me that she deserved that and so much more – but because my mind couldn't possibly comprehend such a nightmare scenario.

But it was playing in front of me right now, and I had could hardly believe it right now. However, the result of my naivety was in front of me right now, and no amount of blinking furiously or pinching myself could change the fact.

The moment her eyes lit up and the biggest, most beautiful smile I had ever seen on a person took over her face, I knew this was the moment. I knew it was now.

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