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𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫四my jealousy, jealousystarted following me

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my jealousy, jealousy
started following me

jealousy, jealousy | olivia rodrigo
02:38 ───────────●───── 02:53


Zuko began to sweep the floor, his eyes peeking to his right as he noticed a girl in the corner that kept glancing at him every once and a while.

Vivi then sat at her table and waited for her cup. Zuko glanced back at the girl and walked back to the kitchen, pulling his uncle aside, "Uncle, we have a problem" he whispered.

"One of the customers is onto us. Don't look now, but there is a girl at the corner table. She knows we're fire nation."

Iroh looked over his shoulder and Zuko yanked his arm back, "Didn't I say don't look?"

"You're right Prince Zuko, I've seen that girl quite a lot. Seems to me she has quite a little crush on you," he teased him.

Did she? I mean she just saw him walk in with Vivi, maybe she thinks they're together so maybe she does suspect they're fire nation?

"Thank you for the tea," a voice interrupted them. Zuko and Iroh jumped and turned around.

She handed Zuko the money and he took it without making eye contact with her. "What's your name?"

Vivi turned her head towards them. "My name's Lee, my uncle and I just moved here."

One of the other waiters approached Vivi and handed her her tea. "Hi, Lee, my name is Jin. Well-" she paused, "I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime?"

Vivi looked down at her tea, waiting for his response. Zuko awkwardly stared at her, he then glanced over at Vivi before Iroh chimed in, "He'd love to!" he grinned.

Zuko widened his eyes at his uncle, his eyebrows lowering. "Great! I'll meet you in front of the shop at sundown!"

Vivi looked over her shoulder at Jin, who was beginning to walk away. Who was this girl? She was way too overly confident and had no self respect.

Didn't she see her walk in with him? Or did she just not care whatsoever?

She knew she wasn't necessarily dating Lee but if she were in her shoes she'd assume they were together right?

Vivi rolled her eyes and took a sip of her tea.

Vivi felt this weird feeling inside of her, but it was difficult to explain. Once she had finished her tea, she decided to leave quickly before Lee noticed.

It wasn't like she was gonna be able to go eat fried dumplings with him anymore since he had a date with that girl.

Great. Vivi thought to herself. Now she really had no one to go anywhere with.

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