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god! it's brutal out here

brutal | olivia rodrigo

02:01 ───────────●───── 02:23

⇆ ↻ ◁ 𝕀𝕀 ▷ ↺ ♡

*long chapter!*

Zuko couldn't help but smile to himself as he was walking back to the palace.

He truly didn't expect her to even show up, let alone be able to kiss her once more. He just wanted it to be tomorrow already so he could see her again.

As Zuko made it back inside the palace, he walked down the hallway to his room, closing his bedroom door behind him and sighing.

"So are you prepared for the invasion tomorrow Zuzu?" Azula asked.

Zuko whipped his head to his left where he saw his sister sitting at his desk.

His heart immediately dropped, she knew?

Of course she knew.

"Invasion?" Zuko tried to act dumb on purpose.

"Of course Zuzu," Azula uncrossed her arms and stood up, making her way over to him.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Azula took slow steps next to him, "Because, we didn't want you to let your little Earth princess girlfriend know that we know," she said in a mocking tone.

Zuko felt his heart freeze at her words.

She knew about him and Vivi? But how?

"I don't like the way she manipulates you Zuzu."

Zuko clenched his knuckles as his breathing became more heavy. He side eyed his sister with his brows furrowed.

Why did he ever trust his sister? Azula always lied, he knew that. He's always known that.

Yet he still chose to believe her back in Ba Sing Se.

Now Vivi's life was in danger, and it was all because of Azula.

"Who told you about her?"

"Do you think the dai li are that bad at their jobs that they didn't know that their own princess was making out with the Fire prince?"

Azula smirked at her brother, "I'm sure she'll be fine tomorrow, I've seen she's a really powerful earthbender."

"Sleep well Zuzu."

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