𝟙𝟚 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭。ₓ ू ₒ ु ˚

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Headmaster Dippet appeared to be a disciplinarian, as physical punishment was practised at the school. Professor Slughorn once joked that Dippet might place him in detention if he found him letting students roam the school after hours at his Slug Club which was made up of his most well-liked and sometimes famous students. However, Tom Riddle topped throughout Hogwarts.

I was being carried to the Forbidden Forest by our school-keeper; Magnus as I could barely walk from the inhumane caning performed by the Headmaster's men in an abandoned cell in the dungeons. I was wet from sweat and had painful bruises all over my skin. What made it worse was Tom was forced to witness it by Dippet's request as he favoured Tom highly. I was surprised and glad at the same time that Tom actually looked concerned about me. He held his handsome face stiff, his sharp jaw clenched, his perfect nose flaring and his beautiful chocolate eyes fixed on the floor the entire time. He flinched slightly each time I bellowed in pain as the cane came in contact with my skin. I was very happy that Tom actually cared for me while he didn't give a shit about any other soul.

I have heard about the Forbidden Forest since my first year, but never have I visited it. And now, here I am, visiting the scary place for an additional detention. I was ordered to search for unicorns to protect them from falling into the wrong hands. After entering the forest, we both parted ways and went to hunt unicorns. 

The forest was massive and thick with trees, such as beech, oak, pine, sycamore, yew and as well as undergrowth such as knotgrass and thorns. To my relief, there were paths, brooks, and clearings throughout the forest as well. I've heard that it was hard to navigate the forest in the night, as there were tree roots and stumps that were barely visible in near blackness. Fortunately, tonight the full moon was shining brightly making me feel quite comfortable as well as excited. I could sense many secrets to be revealed as the Forbidden Forest shimmered in magic.

 I could sense many secrets to be revealed as the Forbidden Forest shimmered in magic

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However, I was scared. I was all alone in the Dark forest after all. My skin suddenly formed goosebumps and the hair at the back of my neck became straight as I heard a rustling sound nearby. I stopped moving another step further and looked around raising my wand. The sound became even louder by the time that I couldn't help it and stuttered, "Who's there?" No one answered although the sound continued to freak me out. All of a sudden, the tree just next to me moved down fast almost knocking me over. I screamed at the top of my lungs jumping away to save myself. Just then I saw the most horrible thing in my life. A giant man tall as twice as me with a shoulder-length shaggy mane of hair that covered his face appeared from behind the inclined tree. I screamed again and started running. But I couldn't move as a strong hand was firmly holding my narrow waist. The giant covered my face with his other hand as I screamed even louder. Then, he turned me towards him slowly and removed his hand from my face while still holding me firmly by the waist. He slowly bent down to match my height and then I could make out his eyes, glinting like black beetles under all the hair. He started to speak as I tried my best to stop shaking in fear.

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