𝟙𝟜 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ༻¨*:·.

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I quickly ripped my face off of Tom's to look at the intruder, while Tom cursed under his breath. A boy of normal height with mahogany skin, short black hair and piercing black eyes, wearing a brown jacket and a red scarf around his neck was glaring at us. It was the Head Boy of Hogwarts; Peregrine. I was quite relieved since Peregrine was not your typical Head Boy. He used to be the infamous mischief-maker at Hogwarts. I bit my lip and smiled cheekily at him, to which Peregrine's glaring stopped and a smirk formed on his lips. 

"Now, the corridor is not the perfect place to make love, is it Riddle? And Y/n?" the Head Boy flickered his ebony eyes between me and Tom.

"Um, we're sorry, Peregrine. It won't happen again," I politely convinced him.

"Hmm, what about Mr. Riddle?" Peregrine eyed Tom cautiously.

"Sure, anyway we didn't plan it," Tom scoffed. I nudged his elbow to which he glared at me.

"Well, I must say that it is a very blunt excuse. I hope you keep in mind that you, yourself are a Prefect, Riddle. I never expected this side of you. You very well know you're the model student every Professor admires...well, except for Professor Dumbledore, isn't it? I guess you're a very talented actor, Riddle," the Head Boy stressed to Tom.

"I wonder how that is your business, Peregrine?" Tom scoffed again, frowning.

"You better be more responsible, Riddle. Otherwise, I would have to consider your prefectship. Good night!" threatened the Head Boy and walked to the opposite side of the corridor. 

"How dare he threaten me?! As if I would be scared and obey that punk!" Tom shouted in anger.

"Come on," I groaned and dragged Tom along the corridor shining in the moonlight.

°:. *₊ ° . ° .•

I woke up early the next morning despite my lack of sleep. I walked to the Great Hall with my friends for breakfast.

"Hey, good morning guys!" Alex greeted us.

"Good morning!" we all greeted each other.

"Hey Y/n, how are you? We heard about your deadly detention," Ignatius asked with worry.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just have to be more careful. Also think clearly without doing something I would regret later," I said quite ashamed of myself.

"Yes Y/n, we were worried sick about you!" Agnes cried sadly.

"Thank you, you guys. By the way, have you seen Tom?"

"Um...no," Lucretia replied as she bend her neck backwards looking around our table.

"Nope! He ain't here," she told looking at me.

"Oh, well, I have to go find him," I announced to my friends as I stood up from the table.

"No way, eat first. Otherwise you will be sick," Ignatius insisted as he dragged me back on to the chair.

"Please, I can't, I have to look for him," I shook off Ignatius's hand and stood up stubbornly.

"What is wrong with you, Y/n? What do you have to do with Riddle?" Lucretia asked annoyed.

"Nothing special. It's just I'm actually worried about him. I've known him for all my life, you know," I told them rather shyly.

"I don't know, Y/n. Be safe," Ignatius replied disappointment evident in his eyes.

I quietly walked out of the main doors, and thought where Tom might have gone. He usually visits places which intrigue his devil mind. Hmm, I should go to the potions class and see.

And so I went to the dungeons. But unfortunately, he wasn't there. I searched several other places, but there was no sign of him. Finally, I went to the school trophy room. And, yes! He was there.

I saw him roughly turning the pages of an old book hurriedly. At first, I thought to scare him by approaching him quietly. But he seems to be quite angry, so I walked slowly towards him.

"Who's there?" Tom asked as he whipped his head to see me.

"Oh, it's you," He shut the book close loudly, and grabbed another from the shelf.

"What are you doing, Tom?" I asked softly as I examined his face.

"Nothing for you to bother, Potter," He said quite harshly as he continued to turn the pages.

"Just tell me, Tom. You can't fool me, remember that."

"Oh, yes. Why don't I know about that," Tom told sarcastically.

Since he didn't listen to me, I grabbed his arms and shoved him to the book shelf and it shook slightly. I saw Tom's eyes widen and he gasped rather surprised. He clutched onto the book as he glared at me venomously.

"How dare you, Potter! Who do you think you are to disturb me?!" He asked shouting and moving his face closer to mine in a threatening way.

"I am Y/n Potter. The only girl who you can't get to worship you in this school," I whispered seductively while holding his face and slammed my lips onto his.

Tᴀᴍɪɴɢ Tᴏᴍ → 𝐓. 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now