𝟙𝟞 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝☆⋆。𖦹°‧★

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31 𝑂𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑏𝑒𝑟 1981

I can't believe I am 54 years old.

Un uncountable number of deadly events had taken place in my life after Tom had ordered me to stop caring for him. That day, I remember. I still remember how amazing it felt when Tom kissed me possessively as I was caged inside his arms and backed against the shelf in the trophy room. 

However, things have changed a lot. I am now under the protection of Tom Riddle himself. Oh, one more thing. He's not Tom Riddle anymore. He is 'Lord Voldemort'. Or you can call him the 'Dark Lord' too. 

During his childhood and early adulthood, Tom Marvolo Riddle was tall and handsome, with pale skin, jet black hair, and dark brown eyes. There was no trace of the Gaunt family in his face, but instead, he was his father in miniature. Tom's good looks continued to increase as he grew older, and he cunningly used them to charm many of the teachers at Hogwarts. The sole exception to this was Dumbledore, who, though not necessarily suspicious of Tom, never forgot about his misdeeds at the orphanage, nor his unsettling behaviour during their first meeting. In turn, Tom realised that he had been careless in showing Dumbledore his true character upon their first meeting, and never attempted to win him over as he had with his other instructors. In time, he came to fear and despise Dumbledore. 

Due to his exceptional acting abilities and handsome looks, he was able to convince virtually all of the Hogwarts staff and instructors that his kinder façade was his true personality. However, as he became more involved in the Dark Arts, his good looks gradually left him. His features became increasingly waxy and reptilian, his skin became bone-white, and the sclera of his eyes took on a perpetually blood-shot appearance. I really miss my handsome boy, Tom. 

Oh GOD! I shouldn't be worrying about that monster! Yes! He was a monster. Ever since a certain female candidate for the position of Professor of Divination had given a prophecy which predicted the fall of the Dark Lord, Tom has become extremely furious. I still call him Tom, well, he doesn't mind it. I mean, he's always saying how much he loves to hear me calling him Tom. He also confessed during a heated argument that he desires to hear me moaning his first name. However, if anyone else called his first name, then that would be the end of that person.

BLIMEY Y/n! Why do you keep coming back to that heartless monster! I should be worrying that the Dark Lord is gonna actually murder your own brother's family!!! 

Yeah, I have a brother. I recognized my parents, and now I really love them. They had handed me to the Wool's Orphanage because of a prophecy which claimed that my life was to have a threat from a dangerous descendant of the infamous dark wizard Salazar Slytherin. Only years later, I found that he was none other than Tom himself.

My brother James was born in 1960. So I was 33 years older than my little brother. Some health issues in our mother had painfully postponed James's birth for decades. But finally he was born, as well as his son, Harry was born contrastingly soon.

I was locked up in the private room where Tom stayed. Even though I was old, Tom had casted the Imperius curse one of the wizards excellent in Potions, to brew a very special version of the Polyjuice Potion in order to retain my 16-year-old physical appearance until my death. So I still look like my 16-year-old self which Tom madly loves. However, I was old from the inside. My thoughts, my physical strength were like a 54-year-old woman's.

And now I have to stop Tom from killing my loved ones. How in Salazar can I do it? It's almost impossible. Compared to the Dark Lord, I was nothing. I was known as the Dark Lord's Lady. My duty was to pleasure the lord whenever needed. More like a slut.

Suddenly, the door opened. My heart beat even more crazier than when I used to have butterflies in my youth. I was scared of him. 

In came Lord Voldemort. He was wearing his usual black hooded cloak and elegant black robes and no shoes. As soon as his blood-shot eyes came into contact with my doe eyes, he smirked and licked his pale lips which looked as of the dead. My breathing quickened as he closed the door and walked closer to me with predatory eyes. Lord Voldemort sat on our king size bed next to me. I gulped hard when his large hands with unnaturally long fingers like spider's legs touched my inner thigh.


"Why, my dear Y/n?"

"Stop trying to fool me, Tom."

"What was that, Y/n?" He gripped my thigh so hard his thorny nails pierced my skin.

"Please, stop! You're hurting me!"

"Then why don't you watch what you say, Y/n?"

"Please, let me see my baby."

"I can't believe you call that boy who's about kill me 'baby'!"

"I love Harry! That's why I call him 'baby'."

"Love! I thought you promised to only love me!"

"You don't even know the meaning of love, Tom!"

The Dark Lord suddenly lunged toward me and gripped my hair hard as my neck was faced to his face. He nibbled my neck softly, but hard enough to leave marks. I struggled to escape from his tight cage, but he gripped me even harder.  

To my relief, the door opened again. I was shocked to see a close buddy of my brother called Peter Pettigrew enter. As soon as he stepped in, his face flushed with humiliation as well as fear. The Dark Lord cursed under his breath while I sighed in relief.

"YOU BLOODY IDIOT! WHY DID YOU COME HERE?! And do you know the consequences of disturbing me when I'm with my girl?!"

"My Lord, I apologize! But we should leave right now!"

"Where are you going, Tom?" I asked suspiciously and with fear.

"Just another trip to murder another traitor," The Lord replied as he tried to hide his eyes from me.

"Oh, okay, you don't listen to me anyway," I said calmy while I secretly planned to leave for Godric's Hollow where my brother James and his little family hid from Tom.

"My dear love, I'll be back. But it would take quite a long time since my destination is quite far away," The Dark Lord said while he gestured the man to leave.

"Tom, please, I feel very lonely. I'm sick of being caged inside this room!" I cried as Voldemort came to me and touched my face.

"My love, I promise I'm coming back. I'm sure you'll feel good when I'm close to you," He whispered as his lips kissed my neck soothingly.

"No, I want to go out."

"Darling, I promise you would never ask for it again, since I will be pleasuring you tonight. You won't be able to walk again for a week after I do that anyway," The Dark Lord said as his lips curled upwards to form a sly smirk.

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