Chapter 1

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So apparently I am an arsehole because my now ex-girlfriend banged her "friend" and I broke up with her, and disinvited her from my family Day trip, it's a trip on some stupid train my grandfather helped to build a long time ago and ironically, the nob head got on the train and was never seen again.

But less about my wayward grandfather, and back to the 50 text messages I have received in the last 30 minutes, calling me an insecure prick because I won't take my ex-girlfriend back after she made a mistake and still wanted to come on the trip today, I couldn't believe it. So I dumped her and her response was? I won't find anyone like her. Oh girl come on, you weren't the only good-looking person in our relationship. I am 6 foot, or 6 foot 1 in good shoes. I go boxing 3 times a week, so I am in good shape, and I have thick dark hair that is normally combed over and shaven around the sides, I have brown eyes and a nice full beard, I would rate myself a strong 8 and depending on if you like the Scouse accent (someone from Liverpool) I can go up or down in the rankings

I arrived at Lime Street train station at 1 pm like I promised my mum I would and spotted her and dad standing near the entrance, standing uncomfortably close to the drug addict, with one leg of trouser leg of his tracksuit pulled up to his knee, it was all blue apart from the bits covered in dirt, classic.

My mother looks nice, with a nice yellow summer dress to match the weather, and a giant bag that looks like it's made out of straw, but I know it's not. My dad had shorts on and a blue polo on, my mum had dressed him, dark hair is a distinctive feature in our family, the boys had brown eyes and the girls had green eyes, I am jealous of them I'd love green eyes.

"Ronald" my mum's mother yelled when she saw me, scaring the shit out of the drug head. She is the only person on the planet to call me Ronald, everybody else calls me Ronnie, but sometimes my brother calls me Ronald to annoy me "What is with the tracksuit?".

"It's designer mum," I said, as I got close and heard the drug mumbling, "Shall we go in? hey dad"

"Son" my dad nodded, he is a man of very few words, always has been. I once saw a pit bull chase him up a tree and he didn't scream, my sister did and she was across the road and in a window.

"Where are the other two?" I asked, and by that I mean, my younger brother and sister.

"They are grabbing a coffee," Mum said rolling her eyes, "apparently you have to have one to take a photo it next to the window, or no one will believe that you are doing something, kids these days fucking idiots" I laughed, and like clockwork my little sister, with her flowing dark hair came strolling through the crowd with a coffee in one hand and her phone in the other, she has put on sunglasses and thinking she is the fucking shit, she is 15 going on 20. While I'm 20 going on barely 21.

My younger brother on the other hand, is quietly walking behind her, his head on his phone, definitely playing a game, he is a cool kid, doesn't cause anyone any trouble. He is 14

"Ronnie," my sister Audrey said, "hold this" She handed me her coffee and then slowly took off her sunglasses and pushed them up her head. "Thanks," she said, taking her coffee back.

"Hey Ronnie," my brother Archie said.

"Hey bud, what you playing?"

"Some random game, you have to gather money and form teams to invade other towns, it's alright"

"Tickets," Dad said, handing each other out red envelopes and walking off.

"I guess it is this way then," Mum said and we followed Dad through the crowd and towards the platforms, awaiting us was a massive sign.


I guess they meant the big fuck off stream train behind the sign how big is this bad boy, like something from a movie, smoke bellowed out of it, and the black crown was so shiny it allowed my sister to check her reflection in it, we were escorted onto the train and into a compartment just for the family, nothing too over the top, a table in the middle and Bench's either side of it

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