chapter 18

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"Please take a seat" Sebastian said offering me the nearest chair, we are in the room he first brought me to when Archie/Edmund told me that he was my reincarnated brother. "Don't mention a favour Ronnie and don't talk, I have a lot to get through and in a short time" I didn't argue with him, I nodded my head and let him begin, a wirey energy about him today.

"I had a late night visit last night from the royal palace, she doesn't speak. I know you don't know much about this world but I am going to explain as much as I possibly can. Firstly here in Athena, we have a royal family, Edmund tells me you had one in your old world so that makes things easier, and you know that we have lesser families known as royals, Edmund belongs to one himself. One does not have to be born into being a noble that can be earned by accomplishments. But being born into is a bloodline thing for the old families. The royal family is as old as it gets, I am telling you this because if you accept and meet members of the royal family you must be respectful! Anything less than complete obedience can get you killed I have seen it happen and you tend to shour your mouth off and kick off when you don't like or agree with something, which is not a bad thing but in this case, you can die for simply disrespecting a royal member. Now that is out of the way, my visit was because one of the Princess is undertaking a mission into a unique dungeon, this dungeon I am speaking of you need special permission from the royal palace to enter because of the treasures that can be found down there but the monster is different no matter how many times you go in there. And why this concerns you is the Princess needs a close-quarters fighter, where they are planning on going is a small area dense area, no room to swing a weapon or perform serious magic, so what do you think?"

I paused and thought about, the small area, raining monsters and I had to hold my tongue in case I was accidentally rude and get killed for it.

"I think I am good, I'll pass. Sounds like a lot of hassle" I pushed my chair out and tried to stand up before.

"WHAT!" Sebastian slammed his hands down on the table. Guess I am sitting back down. "I don't think you understand the honour of this opportunity! Not many guild members in their lives will get this opportunity and you have one! It can change your life!"

"My life has changed a lot as it is!" I stood up now and looked Sebastian in his angry eyes, "Remember I got on a train and ended up here by accident, I have been going into the dungeon every day! to get stronger and make money and I don't care about anything else all I want to do if make the make money and get stronger, so I can take care of the people around me!" Sebastian didn't say anything, he looked down at the table and took in a deep breath.

"We haven't had a request from the royal palace in decades, this can help the guild and everyone out there, you don't know much about stuff like this, we aren't the biggest guild in the city, you ended up here because you were pointed in the direction by someone we have helped out in the past. If you do this it can change the future of everyone within the guild l for the better"

"Don't do that, that is cheap?" I said getting angry, "You know I would do almost anything for the people of the guild they have welcomed me with open arms. So don't try and use that on me"

"I am starting the facts, it will, I asked Timothy to come in this morning so I could ask him if you could handle it, and he told me, there is nothing you couldn't handle if you put your mind to it, I also asked your brother, if you could do it, don't think I ask you without making sure this something you could do"

"What did my brother say"

"He said you wouldn't want to do it, seems he knows you well, but he did say that you could do it, and I quote. Tell him to do what dad used to do and then he will be fine"

"Just do what dad used to do? Yeah," I laughed.

"I don't understand what that means," Sebastian said, he pulled out a chair and then slumped into it, this was the first time I had seen him not standing or sitting with authority.

"Our father barely spoke, he liked to watch what was going on" I remember my dad for a moment, Sebastian and I sat in silence.

"I'll do it on one condition"

"What's that?" Sebastian said with an eye of caution.

"You warn them that I can speak my mind, I don't want it to come out by accident and they are surprised?"

"I will do Ronnie, thank you" Sebastian stood up and composed himself again. He is back with his air of authority.

"Ay, see?" I stopped Seb before he walked through the door. " Does it pay well?"

Sebastian chuckled a little and then said "Oh yeah!"

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