Chapter 20

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We are no longer in the city, but a heavily guarded cave.

"Let's proceed Ronnie" Princess Charlotte said. She jumped out of the carriage with a spring in her step. The second carriage followed shortly after a third and fourth. Theo came out of his carriage glaring at me.

"I don't think like me" I whisper to Charlotte.

"He doesn't even like me"

"Bullshit," I said and then stopped in my tracks, I just swore in Infront of a princess.

"No really, I have heard him talking about me, but that is between me and you.... You can relax, I don't mind curse words I find them funny but I can't say them around the palace or my parents would disown me" She gave a cute laugh and then stuck both of her hands out for a sword in a cold black sheath from one of the guards that came in a carriage.

"Is that a sword?" I asked.

"Oh yes," Charlotte said and unsheathed her sword, a glistening sword, reflecting light with intense rays. "Into the dungeon "she sheathed her sword tucked into her waist and pulled me by the arm.

I don't know what I was expecting. I thought it would have been difficult. But no the first 5 floors looked like the homes of bears, but no bears, rabbits with swords on their heads and poisonous cat the size of large dogs. humans remain scattered along all 5 floors and the odd half-eaten fish, the fish made more sense on the 6th floor, and large bodies of water filled the next floors up to the 11th. By this point I am getting tired I have been left to battle everything! Only Charlotte wanted to help but Theo and her 10 fucking guards stopped her. Even on the 8th floor when the mermonster began attacking, and that was a fucking surprise. Monster but they live in the water. Goblins with gills, piss take!. Three of those green nobheads leaped out of the water and not one person not named Charlotte tried to help me. I'm keeping all of the crystals they aren't allowed them. Bellends!.

The 11th floors were narrow, we had to go single file through the floors, I hated this small half-dragon that had centipede creatures scrawled the walls. Fire-breathing massive bugs with the head of a dragon and the massive body of a centipede. They don't even die normally they die with smoke and slime. Holy disgusting. I have been grabbing them off the walls and slamming them down in between me and the guards and standing on the back of the necks and squirting the guards with slime. I think they got my hint, then finally started to help me when I slammed the creatures on the floor.

The 12th floor was even narrower, the 13 even more so, see where I am going? I had to squeeze through a crack to get through to the 15th floor.

"Well done Ronnie!" Charlotte said as she squeezed herself through the crack. "One of the dungeon's treasure rooms should be on the 15th floor!"

"Great!" I said with great relief, I can't wait for this to be over. "Actually, why did you come through first?"

Suddenly, Charlotte and I heard screams of pain, coming from the crack we just came from. We hurried over and looked through. On the floor were 3 guards bleeding.

"I'm coming!" I yelled and began to squeeze through the cracks.

"There's no point," Theo said coldly.

"Why are they dead? Are the monsters that hurt them defeated?"

"No we did this, and there is no point because you two are already dead"

""WHAT!?" Charlotte yelled from behind me.

"Block them in!" Theo demanded and two guards turned up and began to break the walls that created the crack.

"Go back! They are trying to cave us in!" I said to Charlotte, we were already halfway through and we rushed through, the crack, not fast enough, I could feel rocks and pebbles tapping my shoulder, and the loud of the walls caving in around, gave me the most fright I have ever felt in my life. The troll didn't get my heart racing this much.

Charlotte popped out of the crack and then.

"Oh god! my leg! It's stuck!" The crack had completely collapsed and my left leg is stuck, Charlotte ran over and began to help me pull my leg out but it wouldn't budge, she began to frantically grab at stones, rocks and rubble doing her best to free me. Eventually, it did, but my ankle broke.

"Lean back against the wall" Charlotte demanded, she removed her sword and threw it to the side. "Stretch your leg out" She rubbed her hands together and started muttering words quickly, and then boom a green glow radiated from her hands and then gently out then on my ankle.

It was sensational, like getting a painkiller straight to the source and then SNAP! Pained surged up my body like someone dropped a TV on it. I clutched my foot.

"The fuck Charlotte!?"

"Sorry, I should have told you it would hurt!" She looks worried. "I'm not great at healing magic"

Healing magic? She just used healing magic me on, and then I felt my ankle pain gone, I tried to stand on it and found that I could.

"So what is Theo's problem?" I asked.

"I don't know, I don't understand it, he has tried to kill me, and he might have succeeded" A tear began to travel down her face. And then I remembered something.

"Is this dungeon, just like all over dungeons?"

"Well yes, the only difference is this one is meant to be a little more difficult but essential yes, just the same" and then her face changed, I think she understood my meaning. "Safe zone?"

"Yeah if this dungeon is the same then, we can get to a safe zone"

"No, I don't think you know something, Ronnie. All dungeons are connected apart from, a rare few. They all have the same safe zone! They all meet up, all we have to do is get there"

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