Chapter 4

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"Follow me," Seb said. we followed him through the guild and I think the news has spread that Archie was here because it suddenly busier now and pretty girls are swooning over him.

"This happens a lot," Archie said, "I think it's because I am a noble, and most people know that I have to get married soon, it's a noble thing, don't worry about it" he added the later part after seeing the, why the fuck do you have to get married look on my face.

"I don't have to get married, do I?" I said and it wasn't because women were swooning all over me, I had big angry men staring me down, and most of these weren't human, I'm seeing things I have only ever seen, in fantasy books, TV shows and movies. demi humans, vampires are easy to notice with very pale skin and red eyes and the fangs are a dread giveaway. 

"It's because you are new around here, and dressed differently and I guess word has gotten out, that you claim to be from a place that doesn't exist. Seb walked through a door at the back of the guild, into a training area I think, with wooden swords on the walls and wooden dummies too, yep definitely a training area,

"Edmund! Edmund! Edmund!" bang the door behind us slammed shut thanks to a pissed off Seb.

"Next time you come here, tell your bodyguard to keep the fan club out of the guild" Seb growled at Archie.

"Will do" Archie said, and the second Seb turned around, Archie pulled a face that screamed oh fuck.

Seb walked into a closet and pulled out a trolley with a crystal ball on a small cushion, he signalled us over with a wag of his finger "this is a magic detector, it will tell us if you have magic and hopefully what type"


"yes, hopefully, only strong magic can have its type revealed, but never mind that let's get started, place your hand on top of the crystal ball" I gave Archie a quick look, and he met my look with a raise of the eyebrows. I placed my hand on the crystal ball and my palm felt like there was a vacuum underneath it, pulling every inch of it in and around. Suddenly a grey mist burst into the crystal ball and began to swirl around, getting faster and faster and then boom! it stopped. the suction of my hand stopped too and I pulled my hand off the crystal ball. 

"you have magic," Seb said, but he looked confused, "but I don't know what type"

"why was it a Grey mist?" Archie asked sounded and looked confused.

"I have no idea" Seb said still staring at the ball too.

"Does anybody want to explain to me what is going on" I said with a sarcastic tone, "I am new here remember?" 

"The crystal ball, they don't go grey," Archie said, "every book I have read tells us that the crystal ball will normally produce a colour, and grey is not one of them"

"you really aren't from this world are you" Seb said.

"That's what I have been telling you" I threw my hands in the air dramatically,  "what do we do now?" 

"find out what your magic does?" Seb said, "Shoot that dummy over there!" he pointed at a wooden dummy about 15 yards away.

"How?" I asked, Seb raised his hand and aimed it like a gun and fired a fiery bullet at it and rifled it clean in the forehead. "how the fuck do you expect me to do that?"

"he has never used magic before Seb" Archie stated, "we have to start from the beginning" Seb rolled his eyes so hard he could see the back of his head, and then he reached in to a pocket and pulled out a small green crystal, and handed it to me, I took it and held it between my finger and thumb. "close your hand over it and try and shoot like a gun".  I closed my hand over it and strain ran down my arm to my elbow, I made a gun with my Fingers, and I could feel a strange sensation form in my arm, this must be magic and I don't know but I know I can move this, a burst of excited raced through my body and aimed at the target and thought to my self, shoot! grey mist left my fingers and disappeared in seconds.

"Don't worry Ronnie, it happens to everyone when they first start" 

"yes, many children have this problem" Seb patted me on the back, "Don't be disheartened" How can I not be? By the sounds of it, I need magic to live in this world, I need a job and the only job I can get according to these two, is one with the guild, this is a fucking disaster, I walked up to the dummy, I needed to get this angry out and hit something, I readied my self and got into position for a powerful hook, I swung and turning my hips at the same time and hit the dummy with a swift and smooth punch, it flew across the room and slammed into the wall, I felt a lot better now. 

"how light are these dummies, this thing flew" I said to the other two, it was like punching a super light football. 

"What? They aren't light!" Archie said sounding shocked, "They are heavy"

"Which hand did you use?" Seb demanded, I lifted my right one, "The crystal, you used magic" Seb bounced over to me and opened my right hand.

"Did I?"

"Yes you stored up magic in your right hand and used it on impact from what I can tell, and that being the case I know I can let you go out on low-level quests"

"that's amazing! when can I start? I am gonna need money right? and somewhere to stay?"

"I would offer you a place to stay but my family won't allow it or definitely won't accept the reason why I would want you to stay but I can do something" Archie pulled out a small brown bag with that ties at the top, "gold coins in there, that should be more than enough for now"

"We have a place where you can stay here," Seb said seemly a lot more cheerful now, "it's not great but you don't have to pay a thing and all newbies stay in the same type of place and tomorrow we will get you started bright and early, with a quest and a partner to go with you".

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