chapter 26

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I don't care for the fancy stuff that Barnaby is making me do! I don't care for fancy clothes, just give me something simple and comfy, I'll be happy then. If he tries to tell me how to eat my meals in a proper way I am gonna kick him clean in the bollocks. Thankfully I get some space in the dungeon away from him and his moaning and prepping for the king's party, I know he is excited about it. Sophia let it slip that Barnaby did work in the palace but he had never met the king, or he never attended a party there.

Timothy, Sophia and the kids left for my land in Tsmoore, I hired a carriage for them but Tim offered to walk there I was never going to allow that. Tim said that he would send word about his findings when he could. The kids wanting to go was a surprise but I think they wanted to leave the city and see new stuff and from what Jonathan told me they wanted to help Timothy if he needed help with my land.

The day of the king's party came fast, I was expecting it to come so fast. I woke up in the morning of the party to an eager Barnaby knocking on my bedroom door.

"Sir heart! Sir heart! Please wake up, I have made breakfast, we must get ready for the day!"

"I'm up Barnaby!"

"Good... I'll be downstairs, sir".

Oh, this is going to be a long day. I got up and made my way downstairs. Barnaby was fully dressed in a suit that he normally wears. I sat down and ate my breakfast, toast with something similar to eggs from my old world.

"Sir, we have a few things to do before the party later, you must go to the Tailors, and you have also been summoned to the guild".

"The joys," I said, it was super clear that I could not be bothered.

"Don't be like that sir, it's not every day one gets to go to the palace" he looks excited.

"I've already been twice" I felt bad after I said.

"Well the third time is a party during the season" his smile was so wide he showed off every one of his teeth.

After breakfast, I had a bath and then Barnaby and I left for the tailors. It was rammed full like a train during rush hour. Thankfully the overly joyful Barnaby had pre-ordered my outfit and he was shocked when I asked where his one was.

"That's not how things are done sir," he said, his eyes looking sad.

"Well as you can see, I don't do things normally... So next time get yourself something nice to wear"

"Yes sir" Barnaby turned around to hold back his watery eyes.

After the tailors, we headed for the guild. It was weird walking in there with Barnaby, he followed behind me everywhere I went.

"Hey Seb" I greeted the guild master, he was at the desk talking to Bethany one of the girls who works at the guild. She is a bit clumsy but very polite, her grey hair is always up in a ponytail, and she is a lot taller than the other girls, she is taller than most of the men too, add that to her strong jawline and big hands, she can take people by surprise.

"Hello Ronnie, and this is?" Seb asked. Seb had on something similar to a tracksuit.

"Oh yeah this is Barnaby"

"Hello there, my name is Barnaby I am Sir Heart's attendant"

"Sir heart?" Seb said he raised one eyebrow "doing well since you came here"

"It's all your fault, sending me on that quest!" I said raising both of my eyebrows.

"Speaking of which... Thanks to you and completing that quest the Palace, has given the guild a thank you, and up our Ranking, our members can now take on bigger quests... But that's not what I wanted to see you about... I heard you were given land in Tsmoore, well there is a guild in a town over there, a sister guild to ours, my brother runs it, I have sent word to him in case you want to complete the quest there"

"Thank you I appreciate it," I said honestly, I shook Seb's hand.

"You helped the guild a lot, and that was the bare minimum I could do, so we as a guild got you a present" Seb reached over the desk and pulled out a small black box. "This is for you"

I gracefully took the box and opened it up. On the side was a ring, with a small black diamond that travelled along the middle of it all the way around.

"Thank you"

"It's a magic ring, it will help you with your magic release, I have been thinking your body has a build of magic that will slowly release it, and one day I think you might be able to do actual magic spells"

"That is amazing Seb you are the best!" I put the ring on my index ring in my right hand and my right arm twitched. A strange feeling fell over my body like it was lighter.

I said my goodbyes to Seb and the girls in the guild and left for home. The only thing left to do now is get ready for the king's party.

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