chapter 22

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What do you say the king? That was my thought before I fell asleep the night before I meet him. One week ago I woke up from being knocked out while in the dungeon, and a few things have changed. firstly the guild treats me differently, I don't like it, I get more respect and a lot more attention. the respect is nice but the attention I could do without. Everyone wants to know how I survived a demon spell, no one has ever survived one before. Second, Charlotte likes to stop by now randomly, I have come home to find her playing board games with the kids. Jonathan follows her around wherever she goes, I think he has a crush on her, his little round face glows red when she speaks to him. Clare asks regularly when will Charlotte return she likes the female company and the fact that Charlotte will do her hair for her. Alfie one the other doesn't care. He just likes to cook. Thirdly. I have visits from my brother, he will be coming with me to meet the king, thank god. But his visits have been annoying, I have been getting prepped on how to speak to a royalty. The funny thing about that is, that Charlotte walked in moments later and he jumped up and began to kneel in front of her. Apparently, I have to be extra nice to the king, he isn't as easygoing as Charlotte.

I woke up to my feet being tickled, through my squinted eyes I saw little Clare at the bottom of my bed, she was shattered standing there holding a teddy bear I bought her a few days ago.

"What's up, sweety?" I grumbled.

"Erm, Timothy asked me to come to get you, there are people here"

"Okay, I'll go see who it is, you go get some food or sleep or whatever you want"

"Thank you," she said and yawned. She left and closed the door behind her, I woke up and then gingerly got out of bed. I'm still not 100% fighting fit. I think the demon spell did a number on me. I got dressed and went to see who was there so early. It was so old guy with a tape measure around his neck dressed in a striped shirt and black pants and next to him was a short woman with an afro and pretty green eyes, she had a white shirt on and black pants.

"Hello, what can I do you for?" I asked when I arrived at the bottom of the stairs just before my front door.

"Hello," the woman said, reaching out her hand, I took it and shook her hand. #my name is Sasha, and this is Keith and we have been sent by house Ironclaw to aid you in preparation for today's monumental meeting"

"Preparation?" I said, not quite understanding what she was saying and then she clapped her hands and 7 women walked through the front door carrying clothes. "Never mind I get what you mean"

Timothy popped his head out of nowhere, "There is a room with loads. of space in the back and it has a mirror"

"Thanks, Tim," I said and gave him a box of my head. Tim showed the girls and Keith where they were going. I closed the door and saw little Clare looking at me, her eyes were wide with excitement.

"Do you want to see what clothes they brought?" She nodded her head, she was a cute little one. "Come on sweetheart let's go have a look"

That was the next 2 hours of my life. I tried on so many clothes, more people turned up with clothes for me to try on eventually It was settled that I would wear a blue number. I like it. I have a tail or whatever they call it, a waistcoat a fancy tie, I look like I could attend a royal wedding go me. My hair was attacked with a sloppy substance, they don't have gel in this world or this might be their version. It feels horrible!

"Sasha" I whispered to her, through all the noise of the room, Tim was right there is a lot of room in here, I think the former owners used to teach people to dance in here. "Can you do me a favour"

"Of course Mr Heart" she said coming closer to me, "what is it?"

"Do you see little Clare?" I pointed at Clare she was talking the ears of older women who brought in the sloppy hair stuff. "You don't have to but did you think you can do her hair for her, I know she would love it, and by any chance, the materials that have been brought here, could some of them be made into dresses for her?" Sasha stopped dead and stared me dead in the eyes her green eyes, moss green. Pierced a hole through mine, her cheeks blushed red and she wet her plump lips with her tongue.

"I'll see what I can do" She turned to leave for Clare, but she stopped and turned back to me and smiled, "You are a nice man" She walked over to Clare and I watched her face light up with glee! She even introduced Sasha to her teddy bear.

Tim and Alfir supplied everyone with food, which they all seemed grateful for and before long a carriage turned up for me.

"Good luck!" Clare ran up and hugged my leg. Her hair was done in such a nice look, all shiny and straight.

"Thank you sweet, see ya Tim look after the kids" Outside was the same kart that Charlotte and I rode to the dungeon in I could tell by the interior.

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