chapter 2

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I feel like I am in a video game, that's set in the 1800s but everyone looks like they have been to comic-con, I have seen people that look like elves, orcs, and beast people, and I don't know why but this has confused me more than anything cats with wings. I have never seen their food before apart from the fruit, I can recognise apples from anywhere.

Stone brick buildings, market stalls, and kids without phones that was weird, oh fuck me he has a sword and that fella next to him is selling them too. Swords, axes, bows, and shields are all laid out on the floor.

Most of the men have on some sort of armour over normalish clothing, I have seen a tracksuit or jeans since I got here, mainly block colours with loads of pockets, a weapon I am Suddenly noticing is the norm here.

According to the old shape guard at the city gates, he was round like orange like a human snowman, he said to go to the guild, someone there might know how I can get home, he said go down the main path you can't miss it.

Okay, he was right you can't miss it, and why the fuck is it so big That's what she said, I whispered to myself, this place must be at least double the size of all other buildings in height and three times as wide.


No missing that, large wooden double doors, with brass knockings in the shape of a lion, I grabbed the nearest one and knocked with a thud. Mere seconds later one of the doors opened and a pair of large boobs appeared followed by a beautiful woman, with silver hair, smooth flawless skin, pale blue eyes, full red lips, and top it off a tiny nose and cheekbones, this girl could be a model.

"Yes, can I help you?" Her voice was soft, and my entitled body shivered for a moment before I snapped out of it.

"Oh yeah. The guard said someone here might be able to help me, I got off a train and my family had disappeared and I couldn't find them and on top of that, the train conductor said he had never heard of my home city" the beautiful girl looked at me with a look of pity and confusion.

"Come in a second" she waved me in, I was mainly focused on her face and titties I never checked her dress out. A pretty ocean-blue dress that travelled down to her feet. Inside the adventures guild smelled like alcohol and sweat, not surprising really when the entire place looked like a bar on one side and a restaurant on the other, and in the middle a desk, where oh damn there are more of them, in different coloured dresses, 3 more women, a redhead in an emerald green dress, a brunette in a yellow one and blonde in a black dress.

"Welcome to Hillcrest Adventures Guild, you can take a seat over there" she pointed to the left and that was the restaurant side, "or wonder about, up to you, but the upstairs is for high-ranking guild members and don't go through any doors, that a good way to get killed"

"I think I'll sit" I'd rather not accidentally die. I walked over to the restaurant side and noticed a group of real-life fucking dwarfs, female dwarfs, I couldn't tell the difference until I heard them talk, the beard doesn't give much away. I took a seat and had a moment to myself and look around, the sudden urge to pull the weapons that were hung on the wall, off and start swinging surged through me.

More and more people are looking at me and I couldn't look more out of place I have no weapon, I'm in a tracksuit, and I'm not some mythical creature from a sci-fi show, I could swear I saw some guy set his hands on fire.

"Hello" I turned around and saw a tanned and ripped old guy, in a white vest and black pants, the frown lines on his forehead could hold water and so could that glorious moustache, and his brown eyes, looked me up and down. "My name is Sebastian, you can call me Seb, I am the guild master here, and I have been told you have come here looking for help"

"I have, yeah" I spent the next 5 minutes, explaining who I am and the events of the day, getting on the train, going for a wee and then my family disappearing".

"A train you say? And you can't find your family?" He turned on his heel, "Lucinda, call for the young lord to come here, instantly" The girl who answered the door to me, nodded her head and ran to the door. "So your name is Ronald, Ronnie for short?"


"Can you tell me more about where you are from?" I thought it was a weird request but if the Information helped in the long run, I told him that Liverpool was a city in England, home to a professional football team, we have famous, singers and actors from there, and bits from our history, the blitz when the Germans bombed our city for 7 days and nights, and how the people were strong, brave. We had a great sense of humour.

The doors flew open, and a posh-looking bloke walked in a swanky suit, his long brown hair bounced when he walked. Brown eyes peered down his slope of a nose, there wasn't a hair out of place on his head, I don't know the fella can grow facial hair.

He got closer and his eyes widened, and the hulk of a bodyguard waited by the front door.

"Seb, I would like to speak to him in a more private area," the posh bloke said.

"He has a meeting room," Seb said, both of you follow me. "He can wait there" Seb pointed to the bodyguard and the poshy gestured for him to wait too. I followed Seb past the dwarfs, they whistled, I didn't hate that. Then past the guy whose hand is still on fire. Seb pushed a door open at the back and into a dark room, with no windows and only a large table and chairs.

The door closed, and Seb took a seat at the head of the table,

"Ronnie, please take a seat," the posh guy said.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"Did Lucinda tell you?" Seb asked.

"No, if anything, she asked me what his name was" The poshy smiled and sat down, I followed his lead and sat down.

"So how do you know it?" I asked.

"Did Ronnie tell you, his girlfriend cheated on him by sleeping with her make friend?" the poshy said.

"No, he didn't," Seb said.

"How do you know that?!" I demanded.

"Oh simple really, like how I know that you have two siblings, a boy and girl, and both of your parents, but you went a wee, and closed the compartment door of the train, and suddenly went black, and the last thing I told you, is that you are nice guy"

"Have we found one?" Seb asked his face dramatically changed he looked gleeful,

"Yes that is my brother Ronald, from my old life before I was reincarnated here"

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