Chapter 11

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"Let's fucking go!" I yelled in elation I turned to Vivian, who was closing in on me looking worried i didn't understand why until I fell to my knees, and felt my head become light and fuzzy. Suddenly everything went black and hit the floor.

I woke up in my barn, I don't know how I got here and to top it off my body is in agony. The slightest move gives me pangs of pain, that fire electronic waves surging through my body, and to top it all off I need a wee. Great I am going to need to stand up now, this is going to hurt. Slowly I slightly forward my eyes adjusting to the room and everything becoming more in focus by the second. I had a quilt on, how did I not notice this before, I never had a quilt, not one this soft! Oh wow, it's so smooth. My barn has been cleaned! There's not a spider web in sight and oh yes! Water! In sealed glass bottles. My mouth is dry and a camel's toe! I scooped it up, twisted the lid and downed it in one! It didn't help the thank that I needed a wee! But my god it felt so good and calmed what thirst I didn't know I had.

I finally got to my feet and saw that I was no longer wearing the shoes I arrived in this world with, not I had some peasant shoes on, my feet looked like I had a brown bag on them and tied up at the top, and I barely a sole of a show between my feet and the floor,

Oh god if my shoes are gone, I looked at the top I was wearing, what the fuck is this? A frilly white shirt. buttoned halfway up leaving my chest hair exposed. brown pants too, of course, I look like 70's Rockstar. never mind I need a wee so I stood up and left for the guild, my eyes squinted when I opened up my barn door, I definitely won't need a jacket today. the back of the guild was locked, so I had to walk around to the front, I am dressed like the locals now.

Bang! After a heavy push and then shoulder barge I fell through the guild's heavy doors, I caught myself before I fell onto the floor, and the first thing I see is the guild master,

"Alright," I greeted him, very nonchalantly, "I need a wee, excuse me" I shuffled past him like the 70's Rockstar I'm dressed like but the version of them be 50 years later, in pain, can't and gasping for a piss. I walked past tables of strangers I did not know, all of them quiet and eyeing me as I walked past them. finally, I got the bath and felt the world leave my bladder! then I washed my hands and caught a glimpse of my face, no wonder I was being eyed up, I am black and blue, did i not notice this when I woke up, did my body get used to this when I was asleep, I have two black eyes, cuts all over my face, a cut on my lip too,

back in the guild main hall, the guild master called me over, he was sat down at an empty table towards the back. "Ronnie! come sit down" I sat down opposite him, he was dressed like a rich local, his white shirt wasn't frilly, it was clean-cut, fresh and not a wrinkle in sight. "I have ordered some food for you, you must be hungry"

"I am, i haven't eaten since before i went into the dungeon, so yesterday" Seb the guild master's face tightened.

"Ronnie, you went into the dungeon over a week ago"

"A week! i have slept for over a week? actually how did i ever get here? and where are my clothes?"

"well from what i have been told from Timothy, Marty and Vivienne" I went to speak but before I could Seb raised his finger and that was my queue to be silent for a minute. "Tim came running into the guild along with other from a different guild shouting about you saved them and sacrificed your self so they could escape by fighting a troll alone, a very brave move no doubt mainly in the guild thought you to be dead" Seb stopped talking and looked around and the guild suddenly burst into noise, I guess they where listening in, Seb turned back to me, "including your brother, his family had to step in before he charged head first into the dungeon, he was stopped but only on the term that someone go in to look for you, so we out together a team and they came back shorted handed after reaching the 10th floor. but much to everyone's surprise Marty and Viv came bursting in here after they had paid some young folk to carry you on a kart, they asked to see your living quarters, safe to say they wasn't best pleased that you live in a barn. they came back into the guild and began telling the story about how they met you and all that happened in between then and now. and not only but you have also received a sizeable reward for killing the troll, Marty and Viv split it with you, not only that but timothy seen to it that you got you have of the quest you both where on including off collectables that you both collected from the dungeon, fetched a heavy price and before you say anything, when you walked in here, I sent off for 2 things, first thing" Seb turned around and the noise in the guild picked back up, how did I not notice it go quiet again?.

"your brother is coming, I have sent word that you have woken up, he intends to help you find a proper home, help you open up a bank because you need a second to vouch for you, someone who already has one and finally he intends to find you clothes and armour. and the second thing I asked should be arriving very soon.

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