introduction of roses and novels

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Hi Loves,

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Hi Loves,

I welcome you wonderfull readers to the new rewritten story of Dear Y/N.

-sebastianxMC art is found on pinterest-

Follow me on tiktok for the audio novels.

Or check out my new story on wattpad
MI Historia - Hogwarts Legacy

Writers note-
Dear wonderful readers!
Thank you for taking the time to read my own fanfiction. I've never written stories before.

My origins lay in the Netherlands. But I have translated this story into English. If you find the wrong sentence structure or spelling error here and there, it's because of this. Maybe you will notice that my English and American spellings are mixed up. My sincere apologies for this;
I tried my best! (I'm currently doing a spellingscheck on everychapter)

I've read multiple Hogwarts legacy fictions from great writers here on Wattpad. And I tried to keep my story original, but with all the stories and ideas that already exist... I can't keep it 100% original.I let my imagination form it, and my creativity flowed for the story line.

About the book.
As i was reading dear Y/N over and over again, i got stuck in my own web of chapters.
It was a mess and the chapters were all in the wrong places or timeline.
So i decided to change the whole damn thing and replaced almost everything.

What happend after Hogwarts Legacy the game? What if there was romance involved?
This book continues the story. 

This story is about Helena my Female MC and her life in the wizarding world. She is a Slytherin, and never knew who her parents were. On her way to find her family, she lives her live at school and tries to explore her ancient magic. There is just one issue.. her love for her dearest friends is a problem. Morally Grey and Redflags. -Ominis Gaunt and Sebastian Sallow-

- Chapter 1 - Chapter 39 - is Book number 1.
- Chapter 40 - Chapter 73 - is Book number 2. 
- 4 what if chapters - (Currently writing)

Scroll for an aesthetic and a poem I made for the books.  

Warning:All the characters are aged up to 18+ in this story, But you won't find out until you're further into the book

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All the characters are aged up to 18+ in this story, But you won't find out until you're further into the book. There are some intimate scenes, a slight issue with consent and personal problems. 

Now have fun reading my story.
And please don't skip chapters, every single one contains something important to know.

I am a Seb and Omi lover. I can't really choose.. they both have their own charms.

-Poem found on pinterest-

She smelled of books and stories, Of all the worlds she'd lived within, As though the ink had left the pages, To find a new home in her skin, She didn't quite belong here, Lived a life within her head, Like she'd slipped out from the covers, Of a paperback instead, And you'd see it in her eyes, That they were deeper than a well, She was a whole library of stories, That we'd beg of her to tell, When she spoke the world would listen, To the adventures of her mind, For if there's such a thing as magic, Then it was something she could find, And her heart had looked much further, Than her eyes had ever seen, he'd walked on words to places, Her two feet had never been, It's years now since she moved, And we all failed to keep in touch, So her memory's all faded, Like a book you've read too much, But if she hoped to leave us Ink-stained, She should know she did succeed, For even now we all still look for her, In every book we read. 

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🥀 Roses and Novels - Sebastian Sallow - Ominis Gaunt (Hogwarts Legacy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now