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Terushima grinned upon seeing you walk up to him. "Hey there, cutie pie-chan."

You offer a smile at him. "Hello, Terushima-san. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me. I really appreciate you doing this with me." You give him the purest smile he's ever seen.

He felt a twinge of guilt surge through him. "Yeah, it's no problem. I'm more than glad to meet up with you like this."

You reach out and grab his hand. "Come on, let's go to my house so you can tell me everything."

Terushima swallowed the saliva that built in his mouth. And that's when he realized: he wouldn't be able to touch you or teach you about sex. There was no way he could after seeing you act so pure like this.

"Your house? Will anyone else be there?"

You shake your head. "My parents are busy with work. It'll just be the two of us."

He regretted his choices. This was a perfect setup for a once in a lifetime opportunity, but he was unable to take it. "I see. And you don't see any problems with that?"

You look at him, a confused expression crossing your face. "No. Is there a problem?"

"Do you really trust someone you barely know to be alone with you in your house?"

You nod, smiling at him. "You're a nice person, I think it'll be fine to be alone with you in my house."

And this is where Terushima feels like a bad person. "I see. I guess I'd never do anything to break your trust." He couldn't bring himself to actually do what he originally planned to do.

You lead him inside your house when you arrived, making sure he was comfortable on the couch. "Wait here, I'll get us some drinks and snacks." You disappeared into the kitchen to grab some food and drinks.

He sighed, sinking further into the couch. "Shit, and here I was about to teach her about sex by taking advantage of her. I can't do that now, not with how I see her behaving."

You came back into the room, that same innocent smile on your face as you carried in snacks and drinks for the two of you. "Is this fine? I can always grab more, or make something different."

Terushima shook his head. "This is perfect. Thanks for doing all this."

"It's no problem! You're helping me learn new things, this is the least I can do."

He sighed, looking at the ground. "Yeah... about that...."

"Is something wrong?"

"I can't teach you about sex. I'm not the right person for that."

You frown, sitting beside him. "I see. Well, that's ok. Is there anything you can teach me?"

He looks at you. "There are some bad people in this world. Let me teach you about them, so you'll be able to avoid them on your own."

"Bad people? What do you mean by that?"

"There are people that would try to take advantage of your innocence and kindness in order to do horrible things to you. You should stay away from people like that. You can't be too trusting of people you don't know, especially if you don't know them well enough to figure out what kind of person they are."

You tilt your head to the side. "Take advantage? What do you mean by that, Terushima-san?"

Terushima sighed, taking a deep breath before explaining. "People that want to hurt you or use you for their own benefits. They'd ruin you and probably cause you to have trauma and other issues. You should stay away from those kinds of people."

"How can I tell them apart from others?"

"They'll actually act on their thoughts and feelings."

You think for a moment. "Then that must make you a good person."

"Maybe... maybe not."

In the end, Terushima could not get sexual with you at all.

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