Innocent or Not?

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Nekoma was in a panic. They all silently fumed in the room they stood in. They wanted answers, they needed to know.

"What on earth happened between Terushima and Y/n?" Yamamoto looked at all of his teammates.

Kenma snorted. "I'd be too scared to even think of all the possibilities."

Yaku crossed his arms over his chest. "I have a bad feeling. Maybe our manager's innocence was taken from her. I have almost no doubt in my mind that Terushima touched her in a way he shouldn't have."

Kuroo nodded, agreeing with the libero. "I'm afraid you might be right, Yakkun. Based on how they're acting, they might've formed some kind of relationship. And any kind of relationship with Terushima is bound to involve sex."

Fukunaga sighed. "So our perfectly innocent manager is gone, the sweet girl has been corrupted."

Kai shook his head. "There's no need to jump to conclusions. We can always just ask Y/n what happened between her and Terushima."

Yaku snorted. "And then we'll just hear from her that shit is going on with Terushima. I don't want to see our manager in that light. She's my neighbor for fucks sake! I promised her parents I'd keep her safe, and here she is running around behind our backs with Terushima. And you think we should just ask her what's really going on?"

Kuroo sighed. "I highly doubt she would tell us the truth anyways. If something really is going on between her and Terushima, there's no way he'd allow her to just tell us."

Yaku gasped. "Oh my god! What if he's blackmailing her to keep quiet?!"

Kai had a bead of sweat roll down his face. "I don't think Terushima would go that far."

Fukunaga nodded. "If anything, he'd want the whole world to know that he took her first. Terushima is the kind to take pride in making someone like Y/n his."

Kenma pulled out his handheld gaming console, trying to pay less attention to his teammates. "Way to fuel the flames, Fukunaga."

Kuroo glared. "If he were to brag about doing such a horrible thing to that girl, I'll kill him."

Yaku nodded, a glare forming on his face. "I'll kill him even without knowing what exactly he did to her."

Kai nervously glanced between the two angered boys. "Alright... I'll go ask Y/n to figure out what happened. You two should try calming down."

Kai left the room and went searching for you, hoping to find you easily.

Of course, it wasn't hard to find you. You weren't hiding from the guys. You were just walking around the campus of Nekoma and texting Terushima.

Terushima: I swear, people really do pay to see other people have sex!

You: Why would they do that, though?

Terushima: Because people are perverted and like stuff that like

You: Gross!

Terushima: Lol, you're still really innocent. It's cute

You: Thanks

Kai spots you and calls out to you. "Y/n!"

You look up, pocketing your phone. "Oh, hello Kai-san."

He gives you a kind smile as he walks up to you. "I wanted to talk with you about something."

"Oh? What is it? Is everything alright with the team?"

He looks away briefly. "Well... they're currently a little worked up over something."

"What's got them worked up?"

Kai looks at you, obviously nervous. "Well... they're worried about what may be going on between you and Terushima."

"They are?"


"And why is that?"

"They just care about you, since you're our manager and all. They want to make sure nothing bad is going on between you and Terushima."

You look at the older boy. "Terushima-senpai and I are just friends. We only hangout and talk with each other. Nothing else happens between us."

Kai smiles. "I thought so. Thanks for clearing that up, Y/n."

"No problem."

He walks away and you continue your conversation with the Johzenji captain.

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