Know Me Better

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You walk with the older boy, a smile resting on your face. "I'm jealous, you get to live here and I have to visit just to see everything here."

Terushima chuckles. "It's not much compared to Tokyo. I'm honestly more envious of you since you get to live in such a busy place. There's way more to see in Tokyo than there is here in Miyagi."

You shrug. "Sure, but I see Tokyo all the time. I like experiencing new things. And I'm glad I can do that with you, Terushima-san."

Terushima's eyes widened, shocked by your comment. "Really? There are so many others you could spend time with. Why would you even want to be around me?"

"Cuz you're fun. And you seem interesting, and I want to know more about you."

Again, the boy felt shocked by what you said. "Do... do you really feel that way?"

You look at him with a warm smile. "Of course! I have no reason to lie to you. You've been genuinely kind to me and I appreciate that. And, unlike everyone else, you offer to teach me about all the stuff I know nothing about. That's something I've never experienced before and I really like it."

Terushima looks at you, slowly trying to relax his body. "So you don't mind what everyone else says about me?"

You shake your head. "If anything, I get upset hearing those things. They don't seem to know you like I do. You're actually a really nice guy and they can't see it."

"No one's ever said or thought that way about me."

"Well, maybe no one else tries to get to know you like what I want to do."

A smile spreads across Terushima's face. "Well, then... tell me about yourself. If you get to know me, then I should get to know you better."

"What kinds of things do you want to know about me?"

"I dunno, something deep. Things that not many people know about you."

You raise a brow. "Deep stuff? Like what?"

He hesitates. "What's your favorite color?"

You chuckle. "F/c. What about you?"

He hums. "I dunno... I guess I don't really have a favorite. I just like whatever looks good on me."

"Interesting. What else should I know about you?"

Terushima sighs. "I'm not the best person in the world. I've done stuff I'm not proud of. I've had thoughts that I ended up regretting I had."

"That's normal. Those kinds of things happen to everyone."

He looks over at you. "Yeah, well, my original intentions with you weren't pure. I was planning to teach you about sex by having it with you."

"I still don't know what it is."

"And I'm never teaching you, nor will I do it with you. You're way too innocent for me to just do all that with. I think you're perfect just the way you are."

You smile at him. "Thanks. And, even if you had other intentions when we first started spending time with each other, you didn't act on them. You changed your mind and did what you thought was better for me. So, thank you. And, just know that I think you're a good person for trying to protect me like that."

Terushima smiled at you. "And I think you're the best person I've ever had the honor to meet."

You stop and face him, causing the boy to stop walking. "Can I hug you?"

His eyes widen. "You want to hug me?"

You nod. "Can I? Please?"

He nods. "Sure."

You walk right up to him and hug you, taking a deep breath. "You smell nice."

A blush spreads on Terushima's face. "Thanks, maybe I'll take you to the stores I usually shop at and you can find out exactly what the smell is."

"I'd love to. I'm glad I get to learn more about you."

"I'm glad you're willing to know me better."

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