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Immediately, the Nekoma guys noticed something was up when you and Terushima arrived at the meeting spot at the same time, walking together. And they weren't happy about it.

Kuroo walked up to Terushima. "Why were you walking with our manager?"

This gained everyone else's attention.

Sakusa sighed. "It's too early for this.

Semi, Ushijima, Goshiki, and Shirabu agreed with the Itachiyama ace. "Please don't start anything."

Futakuchi, from Datekyo, grinned. "Ooo, is there about to be a fight already?"

You stepped in front of Terushima, getting in between the two boys. "Terushima-senpai and I ran into each other on our way here and decided to walk together." You desperately wanted to hide the fact that you had invited him to stay the weekend with you, and even more determined to not reveal the fact that you had sex with the Johzenji boy.

Terushima grinned, pulling you closer to him as a form of keeping you safe. "Is it wrong for me to wanna protect cutie pie-chan when she's walking all by herself? If anything, I'm doing more to keep her safe than everyone at Nekoma."

You smiled up at him. "Yes, and I really appreciate it senpai. Thanks again for agreeing to walk with me. It was quite pleasant."

Kuroo's jaw dropped. "There's no way any time with him is pleasant."

You frown, looking at the captain of the team you manage. "That's not nice. Maybe you should get to know Terushima-senpai the way I've gotten to know him, Kuroo-san. I genuinely enjoy being around him. Maybe even more than I enjoy being around the entire Nekoma team."

Silence claimed the room. No one dared to speak after that. No one would've ever guessed you would dare to make a comment like that, especially not to Kuroo.

Kuroo glared at Terushima. "Fuck!" He muttered under his breath.

Yaku came up, looking at you with a worried expression. "Y/n, do you even know what you're saying right now?"

"I do. And I can't stand all of you being so rude to Terushima-senpai anymore. You guys are overprotective and Terushima treats me like I'm a normal person, unlike you. I'm not some porcelain doll, you don't have to worry about me breaking so easily."

Terushima would be lying to himself if he hadn't found this attractive. "Now, now, cutie pie-chan. You can calm down. If you keep standing up for me, I'm gonna get worried that people will think I'm unable to stand up for myself."

You turn to him with an obviously loving look on your face. "Sorry, I just can't take it anymore. They're so mean to you for no reason."

"It's not for no reason. I already tried explaining it to you before, cutie pie-chan. I'm not the best person. But I do appreciate you for seeing the good in me. It means more to me than you'll ever know."

Everyone watched the sweet interaction between you and Terushima. All of them were shocked, to say the least. Between the loving look you were giving him, and the soft expression he was returning to you, they couldn't believe their eyes. There's no way you two suddenly got so close as to be able to look at each other like that.

Hana quickly approached and stood in front of you. "Y/n, please get that look off your face. If none of us knew better, we'd think you were in love with Terushima."

"And what if I am?"

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